It's a Family Affair

This past week has been a new, crazy, exciting, tiring, fulfilling, fruitful part of the adoption process...FUNDRAISING begins! It is just as emotionally and physically draining as doing the home study or pulling all-nighters doing paperwork, but the exciting thing about this part - ALOT of interaction with people, and I love that!!!

We've had people asking us for months when we were starting this process, and really, it didn't even make sense to start until our home study was done. But, I think so many asked because so many want to play a part in this process with us, and that is a huge answer to prayer for us!

So, what have we been doing this past week? It started with an online fundraiser. One of my college roommates wanted to support us through her business (Jamberry Nails), and holding a fundraiser where all proceeds go towards our adoption. It was a huge success, and the best part for me was seeing all these ladies who have walked life with me at various times come together to compete in silly facebook competitions to win free prizes, give tips to each other on having pretty nails, and ultimately shopping to then support our adoption!

Then, we had a garage sale fundraiser. This was a huge success! We have been praying that our testimony would glorify God and that we'd use adoption as a way to bring God into our everyday conversations. This happened time and time again. We met others who have adopted in the area which was great. We also met many in our neighborhood who know now that because of our faith and relationship with Christ, we are bringing a child into our home through adoption. Praise God that many of them then gave above and beyond to support us. Very encouraging to us! We rejoiced as we looked around at a driveway full of stuff to sell (and we have a big driveway). So many items were donated by many in our church, by friends of those in our church, and then items we personally had to contribute. We thought about where each item came from and realized we can credit over 20 families to contributing the "stock" at our sale. Seeds were planted for us to connect with those in our neighborhood better, and Lord willing, through studying God's Word together! Huge praise!

So, the blog title is called a Family Affair. What does that even mean? 

I'm totally a visual person (hence my job :) so I wanted a visual to help me see all the pieces God has pulled together as we raise support, to give Him praise for what He has done, not us. We have had over 40 families, 1 church and 1 dog help support us (yes, I realize our cats are lacking) - whether that's through garage sale donations, purchase Jamberry nails, giving to us directly or giving online through a grant that is matched dollar for dollar. And yes, our dog Zimonya was totally given 50 cents at our garage sale so some sweet little girls could pet him. I told them multiple times they didn't have to pay, haha, but bless their hearts, they wanted to! And our church is the one contributing the matched grant, so any dollar you give to us through Lifesong, they match it. Huge blessing!

If you would like to partner with us, please take advantage of our matching grant. Every dollar you give us will be doubled through this grant. We praise God for how much He has provided and we trust that He will continue to.

Lifesong Matching Grant Details

This week I've been reminded multiple times of Malachi 1:11 which says

"For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts."

Would you join us in prayer than in the least reached countries, in the places that do not proclaim the name of Christ - in places like Thailand, that God's name would be proclaimed as great?

We are so thankful for all the encouragement you have given us in this past week, we feel incredible blessed by those God has put in our life for such a time as this!



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