Adoption Testimony

Adoption came about at the intersection of longing for children, and our hearts for missions and the unreached. Jason was convicted of adoption early on in our marriage as he began to hear and learn more about the “gendercide” of girls due to China’s one child policy, as well as the ever expanding world of sex trafficking of children in countries like India and Thailand. 

As Jason grew up as a missionary kid from Zimbabwe, we both anticipated without question that our hearts would be drawn to missions, adoption and/or other cultural engagement with Africa. In the meantime we went to Liberia and Zimbabwe and represented African missions on our church missions leadership team. However, at just the right time, God led us on a missions journey of discovery to Thailand and Laos, where we were impacted dramatically by the deep spiritual darkness and futility of these Buddhist and animist cultures. We learned that despite decades of significant missions engagement in Thailand, less than 1% of the people are evangelical Christians. We also met Thai believers and learned the value of “near-culture” Christians and how much more they are equipped and able to engage their culture with the Gospel.

While we came home reeling from the implications of what God may have ahead for us, He wasted no time in providing a great deal of clarity for us a week or two later when a doctor's visit confirmed that God is calling us to grow our family through adoption. The doctor expected us to be floored by this news, but we were primed to see God’s hand and timing so clearly paving this path toward adoption. We didn’t want to adopt solely because it was the only way, but to glorify God by making disciples of all nations. 

We set out to adopt from an unreached people group and God again made our path to adoption from Thailand very apparent. We coined the phrase “To save a girl from her situation, or to save a boy for his situation”. This statement reflects our heart to save girls from almost inevitable sex trafficking or prostitution as is the terrible reality for a great deal of Thai girls who have very little standing or value in their culture, or to adopt a boy in order to raise him Lord willing as a near-culture disciple-maker. At the very least we desire to bring a child with a 99% chance of never hearing the Gospel in his home country into a Christ-centered home where the Gospel will be present and active. 

In 2016, we brought home a sweet Thai boy who would legally become our son a year later, but was our son in heart from the start. His name is Dominick, which means "Belonging to God." We are blessed to love him, share life with him, share the story that changed our lives (the Gospel) and steward him with the mindset that he is ultimately the Lord's.

As we entered 2018, we were willing, able, and being directed by the Lord that He was calling us to adopt again. We see an urgency to share the hope of Christ with someone who is seeing the ugliness of a broken world in their environment and life. There is a child who needs the love and protection of a family today, and we want to offer that. God has made it clear we'll go back to Thailand, and we are excited for our children to have each other to encourage, love and have such a sweet and common bond together through their heritage.

In 2021, we brought home a sweet Thai girl who would legally become our daughter later that year, but was our daughter in heart from the start. Her name is Elizabeth, which means "God's Abundance." We are blessed to love her, share life with her, share the story that changed our lives (the Gospel) and steward her with the mindset that she is ultimately the Lord's.

This is our story. But it's only because we have admitted we are sinners, repented and turned from our sins, believed that Christ died on the cross for you and me, and have confessed Him as Lord of our lives. And this free gift is offered to you as well!

Are you familiar with the testimony of Jesus?
  1. He Came: God created the world and it was good. Then man disobeyed God and the world fell apart. A gap was created separating us from an eternity with God. God sent Jesus Christ, the Messiah, to save the world.
  2. He Died: Jesus Christ lived the perfect human life and taught people how to repent of sin and follow God. He was crucified on the cross and died for the sins of all mankind.
  3. He Rose: Jesus Christ was dead for three days, and then he rose from the dead. He visited many of his followers and explained that his death was necessary to provide salvation. He said that no man can come to God the Father in heaven, accept through Jesus Christ.
  4. He Ascended: After Jesus gave final instructions to his disciples on how to reach the whole world with his message of hope and forgiveness, he ascended to the Father.
  5. He’ll Return: Jesus is coming back to judge the world and throw Satan into hell.


  1. Amen!! What a beautiful testimony. I so look forward to following your story and to seeing God's amazing work in knitting your family together.


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