Our 2nd Summer in the Adoption Process

These past few weeks, we've been enjoying summer and watching time fly by as each day is one step closer to bringing our son home. We learn more about God each day, He gives us opportunity after opportunity to glorify Him, and so we don't want to miss Him using us even now as we wait! We are expecting a progress report and pictures at the end of this month, and excited to see how much he's grown. Our hearts long for him to be home now, but God's plan and ways are so much greater than our own, we trust in His timing!

Our new "timeline" started July 17, so now waiting to be approved by Thailand. This is a 7-10 month process. Would you continue to pray that God's timing would be best, and that He'd continue to bless our timeline? Once approved, we'll have 3-5 months to travel after that. We are praying boldly that God would have him home by his 3rd birthday, which would be on the short-end of this timeline. God can do it!

I can truly say we are content as we wait on the Lord, definitely God's work! Here's just a few of the memories we are making this summer!
Cheering Jason on (pep band) and our local soccer team, the Indy Eleven!
Main stretch seats at the Brickyard 400, LOVE Nascar!

Putt-Putt Golf made a perfect date-nite!
Colts Training Camp - GO COLTS!

We've started a bin for things for our son! 

My heart overflows with joy when I look at it, gifts from Africa, gifts from the farm. Love seeing what people "think of us" as they shower us with gifts - this boy has no choice but to love John Deere tractors and his daddy's Chevy truck! Clearly God knows what's best for us, I think He knew I'd do great with a son :-)

Last but not least, we are having another fundraiser to help cover costs to bring our little guy home.

It'll be THIS TUESDAY (AUG 18) at our house, it's Usborne Books. My college roommate and dear friend, Erin, is coming into town from Tennessee to host this event for me AND give all her commissions to our ADOPTION! If you are in the Indy area, PLEASE stop by! If you aren't, place an order ONLINE by Tuesday.

You can place an online order here: https://j4515.myubam.com/


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