It's Officially GOTCHA month!

It's official. We travel to Thailand this month, we meet Khun THIS MONTH! WooHoo! Dates have been confirmed from our agency, and in the madness of booking everything we need for our travel, I'm mesmerized thinking of the reality. We meet Khun this month....

Our lives will change forever on August 31st. We meet Khun face-to-face. Hold him, hug him, kiss him. Finally get to see what his laugh sounds like, see how soft his little hands are, see him sit on his favorite tricycle. We become parents as God is entrusting us this little boy. 

A new season of our lives, and a new season of our marriage. After 10 years of having Jason to myself, being able to love on our two kitties and dog, we are bringing someone new into our home, family…our sanctuary. Someone who’ll be in the middle to understand our jokes, see our family traditions that only happen in the wee hours of the morning as we make up songs and dance around the house, and partake in every fair and festival experience that my husband continually spoils me with because he knows how much I love them. Someone who’ll see us cry, feel our hurts with us, and see our humanity at it’s fullest with our strengths and abounding weaknesses. My prayer is that seeing on the inside, he sees most importantly the work of God in our lives, the evidence of a grace that is not our natural bend, and a desire we have to bring the creator of all things glory in everything we do.

Yes, our lives will be changed. But I’m mindful that our story, our testimony is God continually shaping and molding us as individuals and as a family to strive to bring Him the glory that He deserves.

The reality is, our lives were changed forever…

  • when we got a email with a boy’s picture who needed a family, 
  • when a doctor told us that adoption was the only way of any realistic odds of having a family, 
  • when we traveled to a country in the 10-40 window of being unreached for the Gopsel and being broken for people in Thailand who have never heard of Jesus, 
  • when I stood before all my family and friends over ten years ago hearing the man of my dreams say ‘I Do’ when asked if he’ll love me no matter what, lead our home in a biblical way and strive to know Jesus more every day,
  • the day I realized that I couldn’t be right with God until I confess that I am a sinner, turn from my own ways, and follow Him as my Lord and Savior

God has put pivotal moments in my life that has led me to Him, and I have seen God do things that only He could do in this adoption. I’m trying to prepare myself to be blown away by God on August 31st but besides crying in awe of Him and His goodness and worshipping Him right now :), I won’t understand until I’m there. Seeing God’s faithfulness stand before me, feeling God’s grace as his little arms wrap around me, understanding God’s sovereignty as we bond with our boy at a beach in Thailand instead of in a hospital room as a child comes out from the womb. This, after years and years of asking God ‘Would you grow our family?’, is His marvelous plan and oh my word, I would be embarrassed to tell you what my plan was. It’s just embarrassing, haha! And be thankful I’m not making life long plans for any of you :-)

So as I can see my pivotal points that have led me to the cross, my prayer is that my husband, my #1, sees Christ’s hand in all this. And I can testify today that through God’s supernatural work in his life, he loves me no matter what, has led our home in a biblical way and strives to know Jesus more every day! I know he sees God's work in our story! And I look at Khun, August 31st will be a day that’ll change his life forever - may that day bring God glory, and our prayer is that as Khun learns about God’s story (the Gospel), he’ll one day see how God was working in his life to bring him to August 31st, he can testify that God’s plan was best, and praying that Khun would come to know in his heart the testimony of God’s saving grace in his life.

There is so much power in prayer. Would you commit to praying for us on August 31st? 

Begin praying now as God prepares all three of us. We want to see God shine bright in a country that needs Christ’s story, in a situation that needs God’s hope and in a couple that needs God’s wisdom, love and endurance to pour out on the sweetest little boy we’ve ever seen, our son!


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