Three Month Mark - Power of Prayer

At month three, we’ve had so many surprises that remind me again why we named our son’s name as Dominick. Dominick means ‘belonging to God’ and this month has shown us that Dominick’s story even belongs to God. He is the one writing it, and wow, it is awesome to see.

When we left for Thailand, we asked you to pray that God would bring believers along the way to encourage us. On our first flight, we engaged in a conversation with a flight attendant who was traveling to her next job location. We soon learned that she was a believer. She took our info to pray for us, and was so sweet, she caught up to us on our next layover wanting to make sure she prayed for us in person. It was the start to our trip, we needed this, and God knew it. We saw her as an answer to prayer, departed ways, the end.

Or so we thought. A week and a half ago, we were standing in line to see a live nativity, and a lady behind us tapped our shoulders and asked if we were the Stephens. Confirming, she began to ask if we remember a flight attendant praying for us on our way to Thailand. It was her! A stranger yet sister-in-Christ, someone we never expected to see again, an answered prayer. And here she was, the same person who prayed for a couple going to meet their long awaited son, and she gets to see first hand her answer to the prayers she lifted over us. She got to meet Dominick!

In awe of seeing God at work, I was encouraged by the power of prayer again! 

Here are my take-aways from this testimony:

  1. Never turn down prayer. We all need it in some way or another, and if we don’t admit to that, then we need to make sure we aren’t being too self-reliant. On our way to Thailand we were as honest as could be, we needed prayer. However, I will admit I’m not always that honest.
  2. Pray for others. If God impresses upon you to prayer for someone, do it. Even if you don’t know them, even if it will throw off your schedule, or even if it doesn’t look like to perfect place to pray. If you make it a priority, the person receiving it will appreciate it all the more.
  3. Be consistent in praying. Many times we won’t get to see the answers to our prayers, but at times God will show us His answers - that is one of many ways God reveals Himself, confirms our faith, shows us His sovereignty and reminds us of His plans. He wants us to talk to Him, He wants us to pray!
  4. Praise God and tell others of testimonies of answered prayer. Our testimony or Dominick’s may not directly affect you, but it does show you that God is real, He is at work every day and He loves you. Tell us your stories, tell your friends, your family - lets boast about God together.

We are also praising God for these things in month three:

  • Surgery a success. Dominick had dental surgery, and we praise God for how He protected, has now healed Dominick, and now is developing Dominick in so many neat ways. His speech is growing so quickly, he has begun to speak Thai words now as he learns to talk, and amazes us every day by beginning to verbalize what he has been hearing from us for several months now. He even has started to sing songs with us.
  • Post-Placement Meeting #1 a success. We are a third of the way through post-placement appointments to begin finalizing our adoption. Our first meeting went so well, and Dominick did so good.
  • Financially been given grace. God has provided and given grace we do not deserve. Would you praise God with us that for various medical costs, God has orchestrated His plan in a way that we’ll result in us being charged significantly less than what we should. We have seen financially how clear God is that He wanted us to adopt, and as He continues to provide and direct, we see Him at work in ways beyond our understanding.
  • Welcome home party at Rachel's home church. Not only have we been blessed by our church in Indy, but the church Rachel grew up in has stood beside us this entire adoption, and blessed us with an incredible welcome home party for Dominick. They have been so generous, sweet and caring - they have demonstrated so well what the body of Christ looks like as a family steps out to follow what God has called them to.
  • Traveling well. As we have traveled to visit family over the holidays, God has blessed us with a little boy who travels well. As many of you heard our horror story of our trip home from Thailand, this gives you an idea of God working in this little boy’s life to help him settle into his forever family.
  • Our adorable little immigrant. Dominick’s green card came in the mail. There is something exciting about embracing our little Thai boy as he’s an immigrant until his adoption is finalized.

We are excited to see what month four holds for Dominick. We know it'll include his very first Christmas celebration, The birth of Jesus Christ. And we are so excited to share this season with him. 

Merry Christmas!


  1. Love your praises to God for prayer and answered prayer!! Your updates are wonderful to read!!


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