What has our process been like so far?

When we submitted our application to adopt again, we knew God was leading us, but wanted His confirmation that NOW was HIS time. So, we have prayed that God would make it so clear that He was in this and going before us.

Certifying our Dossier at the State Building
For adoption #1, we were literally told by a top doctor in our area that adoption was our only option, without God directly intervening, WHICH HE COULD by the way. But we saw that was God giving us the clarity we were looking for and my testimony would tell you the relief of finally knowing God’s plan on that day was one of the best moments of my walk with the Lord. Adoption it is.

So without that clear sign this time, I’ve wanted God to show up and say THIS IS MY PLAN. Well, we were accepted into the Holt Thailand program on March 1st, our home study was complete/approved on 28th, and our dossier is on it's way to Washington DC today, April 11. This is an INSANE speed, and how God is saying, YEAH, I’M IN THIS!

If you check my Timeline tab for adoption #1, these steps took us over four months. And we just completed all of these for adoption #2 in just over one month!

So much credit to our rock star social worker who we had for adoption #1 that prioritized us like crazy, our agency director who was able to review things super fast for us, our doctor who now is a master at writing medical reference letters for us, people from our church who have served us for various requirements and others who stepped up without hesitation when we’ve asked!
At the Post Office after mailing our Dossier to Washington

God choreographed appointments perfectly in our schedules. Our perspective on paperwork has changed after going through this already, as we’ve looked at every checklist saying ‘That’s not bad at all.’ Dominick has been so great during our meetings with our social worker.

To say God has smoothed the path for us is an understatement!

So, in March 2018 we:
- got accepted into Holt’s Thailand Program
- started, completed and received our final Home Study
- fingerprinted and background checked
- medical and pyschological appointments for our dossier
- pulled together all batches of paperwork we needed for our dossier

In April, we are:
- sending our dossier through all the appropriate checkpoints to then get it to our agency
- applying for our I-800A application
- beginning fundraising


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