The Time Has Come

Since my last post, we are beyond excited to share that the time has come. Our family has been approved to travel to bring our daughter home!

From the moment we were told dates, to seeing every single thing that needs to be accomplished and to trust in the Lord to accomplish each thing, can I just say that He HAS!

  • God has provided in generous, gracious ways in regards to our required quarantine in country!
  • God has granted letters and approvals in time frames that seemed unlikely to man but possible to God!
  • God has lined up reservations and schedules to work our trip together in ways that it needs to.
  • God has surrounded us with gracious and understanding employers and teachers so our time away is not any more stressful that it needs to be.
  • God has surrounded us with gracious friends and family that are serving and providing for our adoption needs in MIRACULOUS ways! Through the body of Christ, every single penny of our additional travel costs were covered - in a week! 

As we prepare to meet our daughter and bring her home, we will now adjust to emailing directly our friends, family, supporters and prayer team trip our adoption updates. This is for the safety and protection of our daughter, trip and adoption as a whole.

So, for my last post in 2020 - please hear this, GOD is here! He is at work in the world. In our lives. In your life. In the rough year of 2020! LOOK and SEEK Him and I PROMISE you will FIND HIM. 

He did not stay lying in a manger... Jesus grew up, lived a perfect sinless life - and was able to pay the penalty for the sins of the world as He went to a cross for you and me - three days later He rose from the grave conquering sin and death - AND He LOVES YOU. Admit your need of Jesus in your life, that sin is what keeps us from Him as He is a HOLY God. Believe He died on the cross for You and was raised to life. And CONFESS Him as Lord. And He will change your life for all eternity to give you HOPE and to see HIM in your life day in and day out.

When we LOOK and SEEK, we FIND HIM. <3


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