Thailand. Home. Family of Four.

For the protection of our adoption, as we traveled to Thailand, all communication was sent straight to our 'community'...those who prayed diligently, gave sacrificially and literally lived side-by-side with us through this adoption journey. Now that we are home, I'll do my best to bring you all up to speed on our family!

Yesterday marked two months home in the states with our daughter!
Thank you for your countless prayers. Although we have adopted before from Thailand, I'm not sure anything could of prepared us for adopting and traveling during a pandemic. We left for Thailand the day after Christmas for our month long trip. The amount of hoops our family had to jump through simply just to get to our daughter was complicated, stressful and beyond overwhelming due to COVID. After we each received at least four COVID tests, met very strict visa regulations, and quarantined in a government required program for 16 days once in country, we finally began our 'adoption trip.'

Thailand only requires one trip, thankfully.

Much of the adoption portion was altered, even changing daily due to a recent uprise on Covid cases. But, we were at least able to meet our daughter with her foster family via zoom, and on January 14, 2021, she was united with us as we became a family of four! We saw God complete the impossible and showcase His sovereignty in perfect timing. We saw prayer after prayer answered as it held us up to our heavenly Father each day in Thailand, and continues to now that we are home. Our family is adjusting well, and we consider it a tremendous blessing and joy to have this sweet girl be a part of our family. She is a gift!
We now begin the post-placement process to finalize her adoption (we cannot show her face publicly online until finalized).  Lord willing, we can finalize by the end of 2021.
Tonight was our first of three post-placement meetings with our social worker. Post-placement includes required meetings to produce reports on our daughter's status and how well she is adjusting. After these three reports, then we await approval from Thailand fully releasing us to be able to adopt her. Then we work with a local adoption lawyer and adopt here in the states. 

I cannot begin to communicate how many prayers have been answered in the last several months, how clearly the Lord has worked and showcased Himself, and as I look at both of our kids, seeing how beautiful our family story has been written by Him...just leaves me in awe of Him. God is good, and we see His goodness every day in two small Thai smiling and giggling faces.

As many of you know, God did impossible after impossible and we praise Him for this incredible journey He has called us to . Hard, trying, tear-jerking, tiring, and overwhelmingly amazing, joyfilled and life-changing.

Thank you for praying this girl into our family, and ultimately home to us!

At the US Embassy in Bangkok



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