Answered Prayers Require New Steps

Our Home Study has been approved!!!!! Praise the Lord!

Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying for us, and praying for this specific step in the process. We haven't received the official copies yet, but know that they are making there way to us in the mail as I type.

We had been on a holding pattern in our adoption, as much can't be done until this was complete. When we got the email stating everything was approved, we both felt this huge relief, and gratefulness to God for carrying us through and for answering this prayer. However, it's amazing how quickly that gratefulness fades, and fear and uncertainty sneak back in. By evening we received an email from our adoption agency on the next steps, which seem overwhelming, including a heads up for the invoice for the next set of fees including the US processing fee needing to be paid before our dossier goes to Thailand.

A reaction I was trying so hard to fight showed me more about myself and our great God:
  • I am completely hopeless without God! One answered pray is never sufficient - we are constantly in need of our Creator to carry us through, and answered prayers show our God will do just that. 
  • The details of my life are important to God. He cared about finalizing a piece of paperwork for us because He sees the greater picture, which is much greater than us. 
  • And lastly I realized, that He will always call us to step out in faith - this process isn't one big step, it's a million little steps, and each one will be a choice to make. That's our story, that's every believers story. And may our choice be to take that step of faith in God, because that's when there is not doubt that this is about God and not me!
So our steps of faith -
  • Where paperwork gets signed, notarized, etc from here on out is confusing (Indianapolis, Washington, our county, who knows where else :), so we are trusting God to give us wisdom and help us understand!
  • Trusting God to provide the funds to pay for each fee as it comes. To God be the glory as He shows us how this is possible.
  • That each of the details are working together perfectly for God to line up the child(ren) He has already chosen for our family. I CANNOT wait to meet them!!!! :)
Thank you for joining in this journey with us!

Rachel :)


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