We're on the LIST!

So many have asked us...what's the latest in our adoption journey?!?! And here's where we are at. We are officially on a list waiting to be matched with a child. That was probably one of the best moments in this process - we celebrated with Thai food! How awesome is that!?!?!

God has been so faithful to bring us this far in the journey, and it has been absolutely amazing to hear of so many of you praying for us and excited with us!

So you would think, ok paperwork is wrapped up, and you guys are just sitting around waiting? Haha, not really. Paperwork continues as we apply for grants. Appointments, which we thought were wrapped up, continue. And we know these months ahead "waiting" will go by super fast.

Our appointment today was for fingerprinting, again. This time it's for immigration. As we sat in this waiting room with many international folks, it's crazy to think that we'll be dealing with visas, immigration, courts and many steps in helping our child become an American citizen. It's probably good that this whole process fascinates me, so it's kinda fun :-)

Now that we are on the list, the next question you probably have is when will we have a referral. Lord willing, by next summer. I get chills thinking about the day we will get the call and see that first picture. I think God loves to surprise us with His blessings, He already knows who it is, and in His timing it'll be revealed, and I CANNOT wait!!!

Once we receive that referral, that's when the largest fee invoice will be sent our way, so we are continuing to raise money to be prepared for that time. God has been so good, and I am humbled and rejoiced in saying that we have raised over a third of our support so far! This is totally a God thing that we've been blown away by your generosity, and the sacrifices others are making so God can bring a child into our home.

So, for those of you who are praying, here's a few requests and praises we'd love for you to partner with us in:
  • Pray for our child(ren), wherever they are today. That they feel loved by the God of this universe, and that they'd have hope in the plans that God ahead for them.
  • Pray for their parents, we may never know the exact day they choose to give up their child, but may they know that God loves them today, no matter what situation they are in!
  • Pray for Jason and I. I'm not sure their is a better feeling than when a friend tells us we'll make great parents (that seriously is the best feeling ever) - but pray that God would watch over our marriage, prepare us a parents and that our relationship with the Lord would be strong as we know the closer we get to Thailand (a spiritually dark place of the world), that satan will try to attack us in this process.
  • Pray that God would provide the additional funds needed for us to adopt. And that we'd have endurance as fundraising opportunities arise!
  • Praise God that a third of our fundraising has come in so far!
  • Praise God that we have an opportunity to share our adoption testimony, and share the gospel multiple times each week! God certainly keeps giving us opportunities to make His name great through this story!
  • Praise God that the time pressing paperwork and appointments are done to release some schedule pressure on our lives.

We are blessed every time you share with us how this blog is encouraging to you! Please continue to share that with us :-)


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