Where It All Began...

This weekend we went over to our alma matter to take part in exciting Homecoming festivities, see family and simply take ourselves back to all the incredible memories we have from Cedarville University!

I am amazed at how much God did in those four years of my life, and even now see how He was putting pieces together in my life at the time that are being fulfilled now! For starters, Cedarville really is where God molded foundations of my faith, like a potter with the clay. He put peers and professors in my life to model true followers of Christ. I got to attend Bible classes and chapels to be challenged by the Word daily. God gave me opportunities to plug into various ministries, understand that church wasn't an option and that their is eternal value in going on a missions trip.

Our choir signed this flag back in 2005
My first Bible Conference chapel series at Cedarville was with Alister Begg preaching. Oh my, talk about an intro to Cedarville chapels! My sophmore year, James McDonald (sr pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Chicago) preached that conference. His messages stood out to me enough where I remembered him, and today I work for a Harvest Bible Chapel church plant - which the church planting movement of Harvest Bible Chapels would of just been starting when I first heard him preach. Crazy piece that God was putting together!

Cedarville is also where I met Jason! A HUGE piece of the puzzle of my life. Absolutely huge. Did I mention HUGE piece? :) I'm so thankful that we met at the end of my freshman year for us to experience so much together at Cedarville. Outside of "AIM"ing, intramural sports, concerts and meals at the cafeteria, Jason was on my first missions trip. He was a missionary kid from Zimbabwe, and for me, going on my first trip was instrumental in my faith and understanding him. It was to Jamaica with our choir, Jubilate. We were dating at the time, and looking back we see how God was planting seeds for us to be used by God together forever, and that global missions would continue in how He'd use us.

As we connected with other Cedarville Alums this weekend, I am so thankful to have a place like Cedarville that molded me, that brought me to my husband, and to be with other students who were searching for the Lord and His will the same way I was. One couple we ran into (who Jason hadn't seen in years!) has four kiddos adopted - two from Ethiopia and two from China. God continues to put people in our lives to pour into us, encourage us, give us practical tips, or who simply share in the excitement with us because they've been there! Praise God for these people!!!!
Our first date - Cedarville Chapel - Rebecca St James and Jeremy Camp Concert

We are thankful that Cedarville was a stepping stone in our lives that brought both of us together, and to a place that is keeping God in the drivers seat in our lives (with plenty of temptation to be a back-seat driver). Just as looking at a rock symbolizing God's faithfulness in the book of Joshua, I can look at Cedarville and see God's hand in preparing Jason and I to build our family by going to the darkest places of the earth where His light has not covered.

Thank you Cedarville for holding true to what the Word of God says, for pressing into students lives so they will leave looking more like Christ, and for preaching the Word boldly everyday and leading us in worship. As a student, a 10AM chapel sounds like the worst idea ever, as an alum, I am eternally grateful!


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