Latest Learnings

The most common question we've heard lately is "What's the latest with our adoption?"

Well, that's a hard question to answer. We've gone on a lot of fun dates lately - that's good for our marriage. We've started a new Bible study - that's good for our desire to be obedient to the Lord. Our jobs have many projects keeping us busy - so that's good for our job security. Our nieces and nephews have tried out our new playroom in our basement - that's good to know our home can be accommodating for kiddos. We're getting the privilege to go visit Jason's parents this spring - that's good for more international travel experience. The reality is life goes on as we wait patiently for God to grow our family. And sometimes that makes the wait easier, and sometimes harder!

We have had some encouragement lately on the adoption front and would love to share that with you!

We are seeing quickly how small the international adoption community is becoming. It appears that "everybody" knows "somebody" who has adopted - which include our own families. Where this gets exciting is in the last few weeks I've connected with a family in Ecuador who adopted a sibling group - what a great resource they have already been to us. Then, in the last week we connected with a family who lives nearby who adopted from Thailand through Holt and just returned with their daughter. How God divine it is to have someone who has been there to ask questions to! Through this contact, she has then connected us to other families adopting from Thailand through Holt. Amazing!

We've learned that sibling groups have become more common in Thailand international adoption than they have ever been, so although we were told they were rare, we now are excited to think we could be matched with a sibling group!

The latest update from our agency includes updated timelines, and we are still on track. Hoping to be matched this summer, and expecting to travel to Thailand sometime in 2016!

The last thing that has stuck out to us is how perfectly God has us placed here and now for this time. If we were in transition at all - jobs, homes, etc, this process would be so much more complicated. We're thankful for God's timing in being settled in Indy for Him to use us!

We've applied for another grant this week, and are hoping to hear back soon from some of the other ones we've applied to. I'm thankful for a sweet friend I grew up with who is currently doing a Jamberry fundraiser for our adoption. God has been so faithful to continually bring in funds to help us through this process.

As I conclude, God will make His will known to us and this was revealed to us through Christ. I know that this adoption process is not about us, or even a little boy or girl - it's about bringing Glory to our Great God, who deserves it!

"...making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth."
(Ephesians 1:9-10 ESV)


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