Garage Sale; Spring Referrals; Zimbabwe and More!

Much has happened since our last blog post - this has been one of the busiest seasons for us, and it's a total credit to God in sustaining us during this time. We are straight up wiped out, and although I know many parents would say it'll only get worse... I'm thinking that if my day is spent playing outside on a swing set, making hot dogs and mac & cheese for lunch, writing fun messages with sidewalk chalk, and simply soaking in a child's smile, days like today make me can't wait!

Our garage sale was a huge success. That's right, we did another one! And guess what, we met other followers of Christ in our neighborhood, was able to share the Gospel with others, and invited several to our neighborhood Bible study (who politely declined, but at least we asked :). It's amazing to think how many times God will use us to share the Gospel before we even meet our child.

With this fundraiser along with several others this spring, God is providing significantly in ways we'd never imagine. The other night God impressed upon me the weight of what He's called us to. To steward this process well, but more importantly to steward our child well! He or she is for starters God's, and then after that although God is entrusting us as parents, we can't just keep him or her to ourselves. Others have committed to praying for them, being there for us as we raise them, so to even know how and where others will invest in our child's life - a weight from God. "To much is given, much is required."

We heard from our agency for the spring referral group and unfortunately it was much lower than we had hoped. Please continue to pray we'd be matched this summer. It's our hearts desire, but to pray that God's timing would line up everything perfectly in His sight, even if it's later.

As we've gotten to share our testimony over the past few weeks of God molding our family, I'm constantly reminded that this isn't about us at all. And praise God, He has really changed my attitude and heart over the past year. Mother's Day was a day of rejoicing for my mother, for the incredible woman she is and example for me, it not about me and what I want. Some would say that Jason and I are gifted in patience to wait this long for our child. This wasn't our plan, but God's...and God has been faithful to bring us through this time, how He has used us is greater than I'd ever imagine, and I can't wait to see what He'll do with us as we wait. It's the everyday battle to lay down my agenda at the foot of the cross to then follow what God asks of us. Would you pray for us that our eyes would stay on Christ throughout this entire journey?

In our time of waiting, I am excited beyond all reason to get the opportunity to go back to Zimbabwe! God alone is making the way, and after such a busy season, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! Something about being on the other side of the world with no email and cell phone service right now sounds fantastic! I love how God has shaped our hearts as a couple for missions, for the nations, and how He's allowed us such incredible opportunities to see Him working throughout the world. We are going with family with the sole purpose to encourage my in-laws who have served selflessly for years to the people of Zimbabwe. Would you pray that we'd be a spiritual and emotional encouragement to them?

I'm excited and so fascinated to see what God will do during this trip. When we came back from my first missions trip, Jamaica, we got engaged. When we came back from Liberia, I quit my job and went into ministry. When we returned from Thailand and Laos, God took us down the road of adoption. What's God going to teach or show us in Zimbabwe!?!?! So exciting to think about as He continues to shapen our marriage, our relationship with Him and how He wants us to fulfill the Great Commission.

I'm so thankful for you taking time to read our story, for each of our supporters, and will continue my thank you cards upon our return :) Each of you is having a tremendous impact on our lives!!!!

You are Loved!


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