We're Back from Zimbabwe!

We're back from Zimbabwe! We LOVED being there!!!! Two things amaze me: how long it takes to get back into the swing of things after you travel yet how quickly real life settles back in and the trip seems surreal that it even happened.

We had a wonderful time being with family, seeing what God is doing in Zimbabwe (and specifically at Karanda Mission Hospital), and being challenged to constantly pursue spiritual conversations. Those were the times on this trip God either was revealed to me or pray was encouraging to others.

One lady I sat next to on the plane home was from Uganda traveling to the states - as we engaged in conversation, I asked if she was in a church, and with a big smile on her face she said "Yes, and I am born again!" Praise God! I was so encouraged to hear what's on the heart of a sister in Christ!

As we talked with many missionaries in Zimbabwe, we shared a lot of the disciple-making tools we have learned, and learned how they are intentionally making disciples. Mutual spiritual encouragement is SO good! I was extremely encouraged to hear about an orphanage that was recently started and how they are sending orphans to summer camp during school holidays to hear the Gospel and be encouraged in their faith. Summer camp had a huge impact on my faith growing up, and so thinking how they are offering that to orphans is fantastic (and secretly makes me want to take a short-term missions trip their to help out!).

We were able to share our adoption testimony with many at various gatherings, and was encouraged by the amount of friends we have all over the world praying for us and our child(ren)! We met two gals who serve at an orphanage in South Africa, and they pointed out one of the most encouraging things to them was seeing kids go to their forever family and hear about how they flourish. I never thought of how our child(ren)'s story could impact long term the foster family that is caring for them now.

My most fascinating conversation however was on the first flight of the trip. The gentleman sitting next to me stated how he had gone to college for Bible. So I was quick to say "I'm a follower of Christ too!" He immediately responded that he wasn't. He was Jewish. Sharing the Gospel with someone who doesn't believe Christ was God, doesn't believe they need a savior, doesn't admit we live in a fallen sinful world, and doesn't believe there is any truth in the Bible outside the first few books is HARD! This gentleman is trying to work his way to heaven even though he admitted he can't do all the works asked of him and he can't do any of them perfectly. I was fascinated by his beliefs and saddened that he is rejecting the only one who saves. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

We returned from Zimbabwe re-freshened, thankful to all who served us as we were gone, and anxious for God to continue to direct as we want to be used by Him to reach the nations.  

My statistics are rough estimate, but the people of Zimbabwe have a life expectancy in the mid-30's, almost 90% unemployment rate, they have many orphans that will never be available to adopt (for many sad, unacceptable reasons), AIDs effects most families, the division between the poor and rich keeps widening...I look at this and say, "God, please confirm to us every day that we are exactly in your will as our world has so many needs that all come back to needing you!"

And sure enough, the week we returned we watched this video at small group, and God said Yes Rachel, my name will be made great among the nations and I will use you!


If you'd pray two things for us over these next few weeks, we'd be very grateful: 
We know international adoption through Thailand is one way God will use us. Would you pray that we'd be matched this summer, and that we'd be matched with a sibling group. This is our hearts desire and I know He can do it!

Here's some pics from Zim - thank you for your continual encouragement to us!


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