God is GOOD - It's a BOY!!!!!

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

(Colossians 1:9-14 ESV)

On Wednesday, June 24, we received the call that caught both Jason and I by surprise, left us in tears, and totally distracted and giddy the days following! This is a direct answer to prayer! God brought us a REFERRAL!!!!

Jason got the call at work which he wasn’t suspecting at all, and so when he got done talking to our agency, all he could think was how much I (Rachel) wanted to be on the call. So, he called me immediately afterwards stating he had good and bad news. He told me Holt called. My first impression was thinking they told him we’d get matched in October. But sure enough then stated we have a REFERRAL!!!! Bad news, which isn’t super bad news, we didn’t hear the news together for me to scrapbook the occasion. Ha!

They were sending all the paperwork over and pictures, so we vowed to wait til that evening to dig further. I spent the afternoon praying with my mind going crazy with excitement, and 5:00 could not come fast enough. It was that night that we saw our first pictures. It was a little boy. Almost 2 years old. His nickname is "Khun." Biggest, sweetest eyes you’ve ever seen!

Well, now what?! We needed people praying for us, and God was faithful to have so many prayer supporters lifting us up over these past few days!

On Thursday, we passed along his information to the International Adoption Clinic. God provided a super fast turn-around, and we heard back from the doctor on Friday! He is a healthy boy, but wanted someone who knew more than us to review. She pointed out asking about a few items in his family medical history. We emailed our agency right away, and waited as these questions went to Thailand.

Over the weekend, we spent much time asking for the Lord’s direction. Emotions and falling in love with a picture are easy to go with. We wanted to know that this was exactly what God would have us do! And the prayers we heard those around us praying left us praising God for how much He was on display this weekend in our story!!!

One prayer that was emailed to us left a lasting impact:

Faithfully He has already blessed you, faithfully He will stand beside you, and certainly-faithfully He will make straight your path (or in this case, your minds free of hesitation!) for what is in His will for you! The opportunity has been presented to you after you have been persistently and passionately done your part....and I can't see Him bringing a need to you without having made you capable of fulfilling that need. Each step is a step, each day is a day.....may this weekend bring you both closer to each other and affirm further your conviction to minister and sacrifice in the name of Love.

On Monday night, June 29, we heard back from our agency. They could answer a few questions, but the primary ones they couldn’t answer until later in July.

We began to process through everything God has done to lead us to this little boy. Read through the prayer above again - He will make straight your path and God has been faithful so why would He bring you a need you can’t fulfill! Why were we adopting from Thailand? This little boy needs Jesus. This little boy’s mother is from northeast Thailand where our church has been praying for the Gospel to penetrate all along! Why are we adopting? We want God to use us for His kingdom and His glory, and He’s made everything clear that He wants to bring the nations to us! What other ways is God making this clear? Oh, simple crazy stuff like this little boy has the same birthday as Rachel! The first part of his given name means “the Bible” or “Christian teachings” - keep in mind he lives in a predominantly Buddhist country! This isn’t coincidence - this is a God thing! He is the creator of our family, and it’s AWESOME to watch!

The answers to our few questions wouldn’t change all of God’s leading to this - THIS IS OUR SON!!!!!! WE HAVE A SON!!!! After years of praying, asking God for this, He has given us a beautiful, amazing, wonderful blessing of a son! (cue tears of joy in my eyes right now :)

We have officially ACCEPTED, and are now in the works of preparing our acceptance paperwork. We are praying to have Khun home by his 3rd birthday, which will be next July!

Thank you SO much for being on this journey with us! Please pray for our son and us - God is SO good, faithful, sovereign, merciful, full of grace, loving and more. I pray that you see that in your own story - and thank you for how you’ve given God the glory in our story!!!!!

Know that You are Loved, we can’t wait to share with our son how much he is loved and we are so grateful to have you on this journey with us!

Jason and Rachel :)

(p.s. for legal and privacy reasons, we are unable to post or distribute photos of Khun, or list his name at this time. This is both for his protection, and the protection of our adoption process. We are more than happy to share if you see us in person!)


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