Getting to know our boy!

We were so excited to of finally received our next progress report last week on our boy. The foster care program he is in in Thailand does progress reports every 3/4 months, and we now get copies of those. It's helpful to soak up the little bit of info they give to try and get to know our son a bit better!


Here's some things we've learned:

  • His birth mother grew up in the same town we went to when we were in Thailand (northeast part of the country), and she moved to the city when she was older
  • He's been in foster care since he was about 4 months old
  • We are so grateful to his birth mother that reached out for help when she needed it, and are grateful to the foster family who is caring for him so well now
  • His foster home is in a suburb of Bangkok, and the family has served in this role for more than a decade
  • To our knowledge, there is only one other child in the foster home right now, so he is very attached to his foster mother, and loves playing with his foster sister
  • He is currently 2 years and 2 months old
  • He is 27 pounds, and a little over 2.5 feet tall 
  • He likes going for walks, and playing outside on his tricycle
  • He loves listening to music, and lately has enjoyed hearing ringtones on a cell phone
  • He likes playing with small cars
  • He prefers soft voices, and is not a fan of strangers
These few sentences crack me up - I SO cannot wait to meet this little guy!

"This is a cheerful and self-centered little boy. When he is in a good mood, he will be an angel. When not, he essentially throws a tantrum." :-)

Would you continue to pray for us as we wait to meet our son? Pray that God would be uniting our family even with an ocean between us. We praise God he has learned love and attachment, would you begin to pray now for the day he'll have to say good-bye to his foster won't be easy. Then as we all learn self-centeredness as children, that God would begin to prepare his heart to one day submit to the one, true God.

We are currently waiting for "First Approval." This is Thailand gathering up any loose ends to officially have our son available for adoption. This can take 7-10 months from acceptance, so for us, that puts us at receiving this mid February - mid May. Once we receive "First Approval" then we go to our next timeline of paperwork and approvals for us to travel. Time is going fast - we can testify that God is good all the time! The encouragement we've received from many of you truly keeps up going on this journey.

We can't wait to share God's gift to us with all of you!
You are Loved!


  1. How sweet! So excited for you guys! We will continue to pray for him and for you guys are this season of waiting continues.

  2. Made me tear up. He is precious!! Loved reading your update!


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