The QUESTIONS that come to my head.

This past weekend we got the awesome privilege to go home (Rachel's home in upstate New York). This was probably the most I've daydreamed about our son. Why? Because we flew, and most likely, the next time we fly, it'll be to go get him!!!!! There are not enough exclamation marks.

Then I think, Lord willing, several trips home to New York from now, will be taking him with us to visit his grandparents, play with his cousin, learn how cool it is to ride a tractor, feed cows with his grandpa, and get to go to my parents church and meet everyone there who has been praying for him. This is just a glimpse to how my mind ran this weekend :-)

As we we were in airports and watched other families with little kids, here's where my mind went: What if he cries when we have to take his shoes off at security? Praying now for God to put gracious people sitting next to us as we learn thousands of feet in the air in a confined space how to address a temper tantrum. How are we going to carry three suitcases and a child on a tuk-tuk in Thailand (aka a small motorcycle with a cart of the back we ride in)? How will we understand the driver who doesn't speak English to know what to pay?

Then I think about traveling in general. With all our family hours away, please Lord, let him travel well! What's he going to do when he gets put into a car seat for the first time? Has he even ridden much in a car? Will he sleep well if he's not in his own bed?

Then I think about the excitement of spending more time at home because of him. What's he going to think of our dog and cats? What's going to be his favorite thing to eat out of the garden? What's going to be our bedtime routine? What will be his favorite Bible story?

Then I think about everything I can't tell from a picture. What's his laugh like? What does he sound like? How will I feel when he first calls me mommy? How will I hold myself together when I see him smile? When I see him cry? Good grief, I'm crying right now writing this...maybe I won't hold myself together at all, haha.

I have so many questions, and from the good ones to the concerned ones, God's going to pull me through each and every one! What will I say when he asks about his birth mother...... I pray every answer I give shows God's love for him, reveals truth that only comes from scripture and is loaded with grace. My dependence on God in this part of the process is preparing me for what's to come....


  1. I had so many of those same questions before we went to meet our son. I think I can help you out with a few. It's ok if he cries in security. Especially when you are in Thailand, we have never been in an airport with more gracious and kind people. You'll get through it, someone will be there to help you, and chances are that it will go so smoothly that you'll wonder why you were ever concerned about it. Melatonin and a bottle go a long way when flying. :) Our son slept almost the entire trip and the people around us were so gracious when he was awake. No need for suitcases and tuk tuks - your hotel can book you a car or van to take you to and from the airport or between hotels. And tuk tuks without travel gear are great fun. Ty loved them. Taxis have meters that you can read and if you have a hired driver, chances are that the front desk at your hotel has worked out all of the details with you ahead of time and most people will make an attempt at English to help you out. It really is one of the friendliest places I've ever been. Hope that helps set your mind at ease a little bit - at least on the travel end. :)

  2. Thanks so much for your encouragement Jandie!


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