Closer should be easier right?

We feel like we are SO close to getting First Approval and moving on in our adoption. Any day now we should seriously be getting the call. Now be mindful, what First Approval means is Thailand’s approval of our match with our little guy. We still would have several months to travel after this, BUT it gets the ball rolling to get us to the point of travel and meeting our son!

The recent phone calls we’ve gotten from our agency have asked us to volunteer at Winter Jam Concert that Holt sponsors - talk about a let down from the important phone call we are waiting on! Yet now something we will joke about forever, haha.

Now, I wouldn’t label us as procrastinators, but we aren’t always great at working ahead. Not because we see what needs to get done and set it on the back burner when we could do it. Instead, we have so many other things going on that we won’t even be able to get to the task until last minute. Good or bad, it’s how many things happen for us when it comes to tasks, and I try to embrace Jason’s African laid back attitude as long as I can before my stress kicks in :)

With that being said, we have put off some practical preparations for our little guy because so many other things are going on. And, I know my heart. I’ve done well with waiting because we still have many things to do before he comes. Well, stepping out in faith praying we get First Approval soon, we’ve started the preparations. Our office has now turned into a little boy’s room - well, it doesn’t look like an office anymore at least. We’ve begun filling out a gift registry, and spent three hours with a barcode gun in our hands trying to process a store full of kid stuff. We’ve started giving heads up to serving teams at church when we may be traveling. We have a bin started of what we plan to travel to Thailand with. We’ve begun thinking about pet care. Family is beginning to look at flight costs to come visit upon our return.

And this preparation without First Approval, without any travel timeline, without our little guy is showing how hard it is to wait. It’s a lot easier to not think about it. But now, I have a set of bunk beds across the hallway. Thankfully we have kept the door shut so our cats don’t have any parties in there, but you get the idea!

So, this is what has helped me through this week as I gaze upon the eternal, the God who sees all, knows my heart and desires better than myself, and knows I want His will most:

Truth is, You know what tomorrow brings
There’s not a day ahead You have not seen
So, in all things be my life and breath
I want what You want Lord and nothing less

When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing You to move
When You don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through
When You don’t give the answers as I cry out to You
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You!

(Trust in You, Lauren Daigle)

God has encouraged us with many of you this week as well, like:
  • A friend at church sharing a devotional she read about resting in the Lord and waiting patiently for Him. “Patience gives worship.” A praiseful patience sometimes “longsuffering with joyfulness” (Col 1:11) is the best part of it all.”
  • Having dinner with others pursuing God’s mission, and hearing how God is at work in Thailand. Nothing encourages me more in my walk with God than testimonies of God making His glory known.
  • Doing a gift registry with Jason, dreaming about our little guy - will he like Mickey Mouse cups or truck ones? What will be his favorite story? Which stuffed animal will be a bedtime must? And being thankful we got to skip entire sections of the store for newborns.
  • On Tuesday nights before soccer, two good friends pray with us to receive approval and pray for our little guy. Can’t wait to tell our son about how we were thinking about him before playing each week.
  • As I think about care needs we’ll have when we travel, one dear couple replied stating they already planned on offering to help. How God provides blows me away!
  • Friends reaching out wanting to love on us, praying with us when they see us in person, sharing scripture with us, asking about our son, wanting to do dinner with us now before he comes, and joining us in the excitement we have to meet him.

I’m know it’s easy for you to want to jump to the end of the process. I feel like God is using our situation to teach patience to so many others besides us. But, we're not to the end yet...far from it in fact. However, God using others to love on us this week is exactly what we needed, because we know we’re not to the end yet :) And still, GOD IS GOOD!


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