Thailand Approved our Match!!!

We could not be more ecstatic! We got First Approval!!!! 

As we entered our 10th month waiting for approval from when our agency accepted our match, we were clearly sustained by God's strength and not our own. These last few months have really tested what we were putting our trust in. Yet, God pruned us and shaped us again and again to lean on Him as we adopt.

The call today was nothing like we had pictured. We knew they'd call Jason. We had a "secret" code for each other if our call wasn't a First Approval call. We have an adoption shower planned Saturday, but was tempting to loose hope and be conflicted celebrating without having an approval. We kept longing for hope while living in the realities of this world.

Instead, I emailed our agency this morning asking if they had checked our status as they promised, and they got word of our approval the exact same time I emailed them (that's God at work!). They called me at work. I called Jason. Then I came back to lunch with some of my favorite women, and the emotions began to fall down my cheeks. We really got it! We GOT FIRST APPROVAL!!!

Here's a brief run-down of what this means: 

In the next 2-8 weeks, we will receive the paperwork needed to fill out the I800 (our request to the US government that we've identified a child to adopt and are requesting him to come to the US). That takes 2-6 weeks. Once that is approved, we get tentative travel dates (based off of when the adoption board meets). Final paperwork and pieces must fall into place before we actually go. 3-5 months is the projected timeline to travel.

Will you continue to pray with us that God's hand covers and directs us each step of the way? Pray that we go on the lower end of that timeline (which would mean August), and know that every prayer said over these past few months was heard. Yes, God didn't grant us approval in February, March or April - but His will was done, He taught us many things bringing us closer to Him, and according to our last progress report, our boy has a foster mother keeping him in good hands. God is listening and answering prayers in MIGHTY ways!

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; (Psalm 37:4-7 ESV)

We are so encouraged by the support system we have as we adopt. Thank you so much for coming around us!



  1. Congrats! That is so exciting!

  2. I also wanted to share my blog from our first Thai adoption. :)


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