Exciting time...Yet we are quiet. Why?

This has been such an exciting point in our adoption journey, yet I haven't been posting anything about it. Why not?

Well, to say the least, we've been fairly busy lately! And by that I mean - Overwhelmingly busy actually!!!

We are embarking on the transition period of our boy coming home. That includes pushing into ministry that won't be able to happen later in the summer, preparing for this little boy with all the items he'll need, beginning to formulate travel plans and me (Rachel) concluding my day job so I can stay home and pour into our little boy!

I have been so blessed by being able to serve our church in the Communication Director role. I know that I am closer to God, understand Him more and understand our role as the "C"hurch so much better because of being in this position. 5 years on staff in a church plant that has grown out and now established as a church has been so amazing to see God at work...now I'll view it from a church member point of view!

I'll continue to do freelance design work from home, but am most excited about the promotion to motherhood to a beautiful almost 3 year old Thai boy whose nickname is "Khun."

So in the midst of this busy season, we need your prayers around us:


  • This is my last week of work at Harvest North Indy. I have much to do to wrap up and hand off my responsibilities!
  • Our I800 is in the hands of our adoption officer named "David". He hasn't had a chance to review our application yet as we are 3.5 weeks into waiting. Pray for David, and pray that God's hands would guide our paperwork and impact each person touching it.
  • We won't have tentative dates until out I800 is approved and Khun's visa application is filed, praying for August travel! But still in the unknown period.
  • We hosted a Backyard Bible Club at our home last week. Knowing it'd be hard to host with Khun here, God used our neighborhood Bible study to interact and share the hope of the Gospel with 6 kids, at least 3 do not attend church.
And last prayer request...Khun's birthday is just around the corner, July 2, and we won't be with him to celebrate. Because it is my birthday, I'm hoping I'll be too distracted that day; however, it still is our son's birthday, and we so longed to be with him for it. So pray that he would be overwhelmingly loved on his birthday by those around him, and that we'd lean on God again as He tells us that it always is and will be in His timing!

I'm currently reading the Timothy Keller book "Jesus the King" with a dear friend, and this quote has stuck with me as we wait to bring our son home:

"(Jesus perspective) It's not "I will be hurried even though I love you." It's "I will not be hurried because I love you." I know what I'm doing. And if you try to impose your understanding of schedule and timing on me, you will struggle to feel loved by me."

"Our God is great enough and powerful enough to have reasons we can't understand...Why would we want to hurry somebody this powerful and this loving who treats us this tenderly? Why would we be impatient with somebody like this?"

We are taking each day at a time, and are seeing God show up in mighty ways to what He called us to that day! Whether it's hearing kids memorize scripture, or picking out an outfit for Lord willing Khun's last care-package from us, or soaking up each moment that I have of my husband's undivided attention. God is good in this season, and we know He'll be good in the next! And we are relying upon His strength as we ask Him to use us each new day with all that He's called us to!

Soaking up these days with my favorite guy! We are ready for parenthood with God leading us, and being by each others sides!

Where I sat (by accident) when I got the call about First Approval. Still leaning on the patience God gives.
Memorable times at our post office spreading our piles on the "big table"

First year hosting a Rock the Block Backyard Bible Club
Taking the Gospel to our neighbors


  1. Any news? I would think you'd get the I-800 approval any day now!


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