Four Month Mark - Standing Taller

This past month we’ve really seen our boy take off. In learning, understanding and consequently in confidence. As much as we (as humans) try to hide it, you can tell when someone lacks confidence. It may result in being timid, being uneasy, an unwillingness to go out of your comfort zone, anxiety, and I’m sure there are more I can’t think of right now. We were so blessed that Dominick became comfortable in his new home right away. He knows that it’s his, it’s safe and it’s where his family is. So it has been fun to have people come visit us in our home because they began to see the Dominick we get to see everyday.

However, in the last week we’ve heard from multiple people who see Dominick regularly in different environments and situations outside our home ask us convinced that he’s grown since he’s been home. Now he has gained a pound or two, but I honestly didn’t know if he had grown or not, so I checked. And guess what? He’s the exact same height since we came home. 

But…he is beginning to walk around with confidence!

For starters, he’s walking more, not always clinging or hiding in our arms. And although he may not talk to you right away, his rejection time of people we introduce him to is less and less. What would of taken a couple hours when we first got home now is cut down significantly to him talking and engaging with others. Familiar places he walks in beaming with confidence. Thinking of either church or Jason’s work or the Children’s Museum, he’s quickly becoming an expert on knowing his way around.

Sometimes knowing what to expect gives us confidence. Or know who is with us. Knowing the ‘why’ we are doing something gives us confidence. Or simply contentment is what we need.

I know what has given me confidence in my body, in my marriage, in my career, in adoption and parenting, and in the future is nothing of what I’ve done but instead trusting in the One who is my Creator, gave me my marriage, led us to adopt and is the source of wisdom in parenting - my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Although we may feel confident for a season, without Christ, our insufficiency will always sneak back in. 

Seeing Dominick’s transition has been incredible to witness and I must confess that I don’t do this often enough - to reflect on his progress as an amazing picture of the confidence I’ve gained from letting Christ lead my life. Without Christ I was confused, unsure, searching, stuck in brokenness. In Christ, I am a child of the One true King and fellow heir with Christ (Romans 8:15-17) - how can that not give you all the confidence you ever need?


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