Five Month Mark - New Season

Finding fulfillment in the seasons you are in - that is what God has been teaching me as of lately, at this five month home mark. 

God brought this to mind as I was standing next to a chalkboard and a three year old boy teaching him his letters. Like a teacher. And as a mom. One person I always hoped of being and confess at times lost hope I'd ever be. And another person I promised myself I'd never be as I looked at college majors to pursue.

I admire teachers a ton because I knew I could never do what they do and never would want to do what they do, which makes me appreciate all the more those with those gift sets.

Now teaching letters to our son is a whole lot different than teaching an entire classroom about Romeo and Juliet or multiplication or the Civil War. I get that. But, what I'm seeing is how God has equipped and prepared me for this season of life I'm in, that I would of never expected and how fulfilling it is.

And when you are content with God's will in your life, it's not that you'll look back at other seasons and say they weren't fulling. Instead, you'll see how each one was in it's own way. 

For example, I was the most content in my singleness the same year I met my now husband. I learned to be fulfilled by God alone in that season, and why I can testify that college was an incredible experience for me because I had gotten to that place. Then marriage, I am so blessed to have Jason as my husband. Wow, God brought both of us to a point where having each other was always going to be enough, even if God's will was only having each other in our family. We saw God in so many new ways, saw Him work in us as a couple and use us as a couple. We were fulfilled in that season.  I always worked full time and the opportunities I've had to grow in my passion of graphic design, serving others and building relationships are experiences I'd never replace.

Now we can certainly learn from the past, but when we first look up and then look forward in the seasons were in, our perspective changes. At least mine did. We'll begin to see pieces on why God put us in the current season of life, contentment grows, and we gain a trust in the sovereign God who put us there. Don't miss the opportunity to make the most of it!

So today, I'm a stay-at-home wife and mom teaching letters. How can that be fulfilling? Dinner at the table almost every night with my husband because I have time to cook again. A little boy who we prayed for and who God put us in his story spends every day with his forever mommy. A family of three that laughs, plays, loves and cries together. And we have a regular occurrence of singing our ABCs. This is my season of life. God lined up all the details to put me here, and let me testify, in God's will, it is good.


  1. Being a stay-at-home wife and mom is the best!!! And yes, it is full of contentment when you know it's right where God wants you to be. I love getting a glimps into your life through your blog.


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