Eight Month Mark - Encouragement to Motherhood

Yesterday being Mother's Day, I've had so much on my mind. Thankfulness, joy, still in disbelief that Dominick is here with us. Yet it's not just motherhood that has had my brain spinning. As Jason and I stepped out in faith to adopt, we knew God wanted our story to be on display, for our prayer, of giving God the glory. We had conversation after conversation as we waited with complete strangers about our testimony. We expected that number to increase once coming home.

Well, for whatever reason, even though we took classes on how to handle awkward conversations on why our son has a different skin color with people who will ask, I'm not sure we have been asked once by a stranger anything about Dominick. Either we've been around very polite people who don't want to be rude, or in our current culture and in the diverse area of town we live, we don't stand out as a different looking family. People talk to him, and continually remark on his cuteness, but that's the extent of it. Now, this isn't a bad thing. It's actually a great thing so in particularly Dominick, hasn't been put in those tough awkward conversations yet.

What gets my head spinning though is we expected to have open doors to share our faith with others upon returning, and our primary open door has been simply Dominick, the most important and #1 priority at this point anyway :)

So, as we process through looking to where we can minister to others without obvious doors being opened for us, a door I didn't expect opened up. The opportunity to encourage other adoptive families. God uses experiences in our lives to shape us, grow us, drawn us to Him, and as we draw close to Him, we then can bring others to the same encouragement that brought us through. 

Waiting in adoption is hard, but when that's our focus, we can loose sight of what God is doing now. Blogging has really helped me look to God in each and every step.

So, the rest of this post really is for me to remember, not to boast, but remember how Christ has used this blog. When I'm in a season with what feels like less opportunities outside the home to share, and a new incredible opportunity in my arms every morning, I need to be reminded God is using us maybe when we don't even know it. 

And so this is how I ENTERED MOTHERHOOD, and I can testify of my God, that IT IS GOOD! I don't deserve to mother this little boy, certainly the below testimonies are not me but of the One in me, and yet in my failures and weaknesses, God choose this for me. Praise be to Him!

What other adoptive families has shared with me to encourage us!
  • I read your blog this morning. It was so encouraging!!! You do a wonderful job of including the gospel in all that you share. I am not surprised that one of his first words was Bible!
  • I've loved reading your blog! I'm about to start one too....I didn't want to at first, but I've found so much encouragement and been so blessed by blogs like yours that I felt like I should write our story so that maybe it can encourage someone else or if nothing else just be a good witness and give God the glory.
  • Whenever I start to get impatient I think of you two, who have been waiting longer than we have and I think "if they can do it so can we!"
  • I loved reading about your testimony and your love for the Lord and adoption!
And this is what others, non-adoptive, looking in have shared. These are your words!
  • I'm praising the Lord with you for what he has done, and what He is doing! Praising him for the strength and comfort he brought you. Praising him for the sweet season too. Thanks for sharing your journey!
  • Thanks for sharing your heart. It is so good to hear how God is working in your wonderful story.
  • This journey has been such a blessing in God answering prayer and in His timing! Have loved watching and praying for your family !
  • The Lord sure is working miracles.
  • My kids ate up your video! They asked about the temples and I explained what they were and that many in Thailand don't believe in Jesus. To which my son said "But him and her, they went to get him - they believe, right?" After I replied yes, he very confidently stated, "So they'll teach him to love Jesus." And my daughter followed with, "That's why they bring him to church now." <3 Thank you for sharing your journey!
  • Such a long wait but such an amazing adventure you're on!
  • God's timing is sometimes hard for us to understand but His gifts are always amazing!
  • I was in a puddle of tears reading your email last night and just seeing how beautiful and perfect you look with your boy... your family! God is so good! Thanking God for the gifts he has given you, for your amazing testimony, and for letting us all share this journey with you!!
  • This is the adventure of a lifetime. Literally. Your lives and your household will never be the same. Glory to God.
  • What a privilege to pray for you!
  • I LOVE you and your beautiful heart the Lord has molded in you and refined.
  • Excited for you both and praying for safe travels, and in tears over your blog, so much that I printed it out.
  • remember the start of this journey and how far away it seemed to this day...God has perfect timing!
  • Tears of joy!!!!!! What a story this sweet lil' guy will have of parents that were so patient and loving and hopeful. Prayers continue!
  • Praise be to God for His awesome provision!!!
  • We've read, watched and prayed from afar. I've been so encouraged and challenged by your faith and trust in the goodness and faithfulness of your heavenly Father. Now we continue to pray as we rejoice with you! May your hearts be knit together with your precious son's in this last brief time of waiting. Thank you for allowing us to come along on this journey of faith with you.
  • I can't even begin to put into words how happy my heart is for you. Tears of joy run down my cheeks thinking about your long journey...you have waited for this moment and it's almost here. I'm so thankful for you, your testimony, the inspiration you give to us all and most importantly the love you have shown for our amazing God! 
  • Really encouraged by your post. I am struggling with patience and contentment as we wait this time around. Great perspective!
  • I can't say the wait will ever really make sense, but God's timing will be the most perfect gift you can ever imagine. Hold on to hope!
  • Thank you for sharing your heart!! We love you guys and continue to pray for you through this journey. It is so encouraging to see how God is using you in this time of waiting!
  • What an encouraging post on many levels.
  • "It's so patience turns to trust which turns to total reliance upon God." :) Thank you for sharing your heart and challenging me!
  • So powerful and a wonderful reflection of God! Thank you for sharing your story to reflect His glory.
  • Thankful for you both and your impact in our church! Love to see you step out in faith, waiting with hope, reaching the lost and loving the Lord. 
  • Thank you for being such a great example of God and all He stands for. You are so right on how we need to focus on living for God and doing His will and not ours! Praying for you!
  • This is so encouraging!! All glory to God! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • God is good all the time; all the time, God is good! Love getting to see how God is at work in your lives!
  • His mercies never end! I LOVE watching y'all trust and recognize God in ALL of these details and the sweet testimonies of His goodness encourage my heart so much! He is so good!!!
  • When God is in something there is no denying it.
  • I'm so excited for you both. God continues to amaze us each and everyday. I love how you continue to praise him and give him all the glory. We are nothing and can do nothing without him. Thanks for being a great testimony for all to see.
  • So excited to walk this journey with you all and see all the wonderful things that God does in your family and in your hearts.
  • Seriously sitting here with tears in my eyes over my excitement for you both and the journey He is taking you on! So encouraging to already see God at work in your family to bring your little boy home!!
This is a direct word-cloud from all social media comments made throughout our adoption. Praise God He was at the center of what you said, which spurred us on each step of the way.


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