Nine Month Mark - Two Worlds

Nine months home. This simply amazes me how fast time goes. Feels like we've only been together a short time, yet can't picture us three not being together. It's natural. In nine months we've made memories, bonded and have established our new family dynamic.

I remember reading various adoption wisdom and advice as we waited for Dominick. Many said, and even those who have become biological parents would say that our whole lives will flip upside down. Everything will change. Our lives would become completely different. In the adoption world, some would suggest that's a good thing - change everything to mold to your newly adoptive child. To help them feel comfortable, eat Thai food regularly, celebrate their holidays, practice their religious ceremonies, etc.

The downfall of this route, is if we, as parents, aren't grounded in our identity, how will Dominick know what his is? We have had eleven years to establish our marriage, who we are as individuals and as a couple, and what our family, pre-children, looks like. And God is so perfect in how He chose Dominick for us, he fits like a perfect puzzle piece into what our family looks like without us uprooting it for this new stage in life. That's a sovereign God who chose perfectly for us!

Now, some things have changed, rightfully so. We can't do late night grocery shopping anymore. I always have a snack in my purse, and it's not for me. At times, I feel like I have to repeat myself ten times before a small human being does what is asked. And somehow since he's been home, all these good movies have come out in theaters and we can't go watch them without an incredible amount of planning.

BUT, I'm grateful to say, the core of who we are hasn't changed. Our faith still guides our actions, thoughts and words - and now we are also learning from the Jesus Storybook Bible. We still hold hands when we are out in public, we just have a tiny hand in the mix. We still sing in the kitchen, and dance in the hallway - and Dominick thinks that's normal. We start every road trip with prayer then a road trip fist bump. And yes, Dominick has successfully become a road-trip, traveling boy. We cuddle during movies, and we laugh every chance we get! Dominick has joined every tradition Jason and I have established, from Easter Eggs hunts to visiting covered bridges in the fall to taking Zimonya, our dog, for a walk on his birthday in January at the park. And Dominick has LOVED it all!

Adoption is a neat opportunity, and shall be a balance we'll continue to explore, for a little boy who has truly experienced two worlds. Will we still eat Thai food at times? Absolutely. Have we read and told him about his home country? Yes. But will we let him embrace the life his story now folds into - a Stephens. An American. A Hoosier. A son. A boy loved by God and by his forever mommy and daddy. You better believe it!


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