One Year - It's Official

StephensFamilyThais: It's Officially Thai'd

A three and a half year long journey to follow a call God placed upon Jason and myself.
To bring a child into our home and family from an unreached country for the Gospel.
Our desire was to share the Gospel and the hope we have in Jesus with a child who would otherwise have a 99% chance of never hearing. God sent us to Thailand. He led us to adopt a little boy. God fulfilled our dreams of having a family with His missional purpose of taking the Gospel to all nations, or in this case, bringing the nations to us. We are beyond blessed to be used by God in this way, and we were blown away by the amount of people God would bring on this journey with us to fulfill His mission.

On Friday, September 8, 2017, almost one year after bringing this little boy home with us, he was officially adopted. His name became ours. He citizenship became an American. His status became our son. Our family became three.

 He was beaming with so many family and friends watching him. He skipped into the courtroom. He enjoyed the sucker from the security guide throughout the hearing. He high-fived our lawyer. He stood next to the judge as she allowed him to hit the gavel announcing his adoption. Our judge shared that she hadn't seen that many people for an adoption hearing in a long time. We felt loved, and we were so joyful watching the day unfold before our eyes.

This is not just our story, it's God's story. To adopt Dominick Khun, meaning "You Belong to God." Oh what incredible things God has already done through this little boy. We can only imagine what God has yet to do!

*our adoption is not yet registered with the Thai government, who enforces the law to not publicly show Dominick's face online, which is why his face is concealed even though our adoption is complete. We'll be released from this rule once we register at the Thai Embassy. Thanks for understanding.


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