All of God's Grace in One Little Face

This title was written on a wall hanging at Hobby Lobby, and I cried when I saw it. And then we bought it for his room (Jason couldn't say no to my tears, haha)!

Less than a month home - October 2016
A few weeks home - September 2016
We had just been matched, and knew the boy God called us to adopt. His face represented God's grace to him, and God's grace to us. Grace means receiving a gift we didn't do anything to deserve. Fast forward to over a year after first seeing a picture of that face, we met that sweet boy. That little boy comes home with us, is a part of our family whom we love and adore greatly. Almost exactly one year later he legally is adopted and becomes our son. Then on October 18, 2017, we take him to the Thai Consulate General in Chicago and register his adoption. He is now our son, recognized in both the United States and in Thailand. Our over three and a half year adoption journey had concluded.

This timeline doesn't even touch the days, weeks, months, years we have prayed for this boy prior to that. The amount of people whom God used to bring this little boy to us. The numerous hurdles and joys, tears and laughter. The travels, the culture shock, the hugs and kisses. But now we are legally allowed to post this little boy's face.

Look at this amazing face - God has written an incredible story in his life, what great things God has done in and through Dominick Khun - and he's only four years old! We are blessed to share this, God's story, God's grace.

The first day we met! - August 31, 2016
Adoption Day - September 2017
Adoption Day - September 2017
Adoption is Registered - October 2017
October 2017
October 2017


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