Exceeding Expectations

This Christmas season has been such a blessing to us. Last year we got to watch a little boy who never celebrated Christmas see it for the first time. This year, we get to watch him slowly begin to understand it - the anticipation as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

We have so enjoyed attending various Christmas celebrations over these past few weeks with friends. We've loved hearing people's remarks about Dominick. How impressed they are with him. Proud parent moments for us!

 Whether it's his thoughtfulness of getting chairs for other children at school. Or how his attention span and participation have grown significantly at church. Almost everyone remarks how much he talks, which for all who met him when he first came home, it's like night and day. His teacher and others note how incredibly observant he is as he will literally point out to you everything he sees. I notice his sweetness to us and others, that is such a treasure! At one Christmas party, we all couldn't help but smile as he was giving out directions to other kids on the game to play. A year ago he struggled interacting with other kids in a group setting because he didn't talk. Then we just received his report from his speech articulation class, and they expected him to be at 40% by now, and he's at 100% and might test out of the program after only 4 months.

This is Dominick! 

Exceeding anyone and everyone's expectations!

I still remember how many times we were asked "Are you sure you want him?" Adoption agency, foster program in Thailand, immigration and more. He was an 'older child' in Thai adoption standards. He had a speech delay. All his progress reports noted various negative attributes about him. 

I simply look back at that time, compare it to this time, and say yet again, for Dominick to exceed everyone's expectations means God knew what He was doing. And His plan was best! And this still isn't about Jason and I. It's what GOD is doing in this little boy!

This Christmas, we look to another baby boy, Jesus, who exceeded all expectations. And in some cases, confused others because he didn't meet their expectations. The Son of God, born as a baby, humbly in a stable. God with us, Emmanuel. He didn't come as a great military leader, or earthly king figure, but instead, as the perfect, sinless man and an example for us all to follow. He was fully God, and fully man; he came to serve and not be served. Now, please don't think for a second I'm comparing my son to Jesus - Dominick is a sinner true and true, and has a tally of at least three temper tantrums today to prove it. BUT Jesus, God, came down to us to be with us, and ultimately to die for us, all sinners. 

Dominick's December memory verse is Isaiah 9:6, and I simply rejoice hearing those little lips quote, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

"to exceed everyone's expectations means God knew what He was doing. And His plan was best!"

Jesus. Exceeding all expectations! To be our Savior!!!

Merry Christmas!


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