What's It Like To Wait?

Where are we at in the adoption process #2 right now?

We are waiting. Ya, you'll hear that a lot in the adoption process. 

I could come up with all sorts of analogies to describe it. One minute you are sprinting. The next you are catching your breathing. The next you are at a stand-still. And the entire process is a marathon.

Doesn't make sense right? Haha. That's OK, I don't have to understand what God is doing at every moment, I just have to know it's His to control, and He'll do better than I ever could!

So, what are we waiting on? 
  • Well, our Dossier is currently in Washington DC being authenticated by our Federal Government and then checked by the Thai Embassy. I check daily to see if it's USPS tracking label has been checked in yet to be mailed back to us - it hasn't been today :). Once it gets back to us, I wrap up final elements and send it along to our adoption agency.
  • We submitted our I800A application which is our portion of immigration, for us to adopt a soon to be immigrant. We are waiting for Dept of Homeland Security to send us our fingerprinting appointment to finalize that application.
  • Funding, yes we are waiting with patience and a whole lot of trust for funds. One grant application has been submitted and at least four more are on deck to Lord willing provide us some financial relief.

What's the waiting feel like?
  • Last time I noticed the hardest waiting was when we were closest to travel. In these early stages, without a face or name, it still feels a little surreal to us. Yet these are the days our next child needs to feel God closest to them!
  • Dominick keeps us busy, and distracts us. We really are soaking up our three musketeer days with him, so it's ok to wait right now.
  • Until our Dossier gets to our agency, we don't have a specific timeline. So I have nothing specific to count down to, which makes it easier.
Waiting right now is a huge time of trust for me! Trust in what God is doing when I can't see it. Trust God in His time when no one can tell me what it can be. Trust that Dominick will be ready for the changes ahead. Trust and hope in a God who perfectly knits our family together when it feels too surreal to think we could have more than one child! So what's it like to wait? Trusting!


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