Something’s Wrong! Yet God is in Control.

Being at the forefront of adoption #2 and I haven’t blogged in awhile. Why? Because we’ve been waiting or working towards some things that we wanted to wait until we had an answer to to share.

Yet, isn’t my goal of this blog to put God on display in every single aspect of this adoption? Even when we wait. We need prayer just as much in this stage as any stage.

So, on April 13 our dossier arrived in Washington DC to be authenticated by the Secretary of State and the Thai Embassy. Everything was set, we were told three to four weeks later we’d receive it back. So at week five, I gave the courier service we hired a call.

After a short greeting, I asked how our dossier was progressing. After a slight joke from the gentlemen on the other line, I make the joke “Well I just want to make sure you have our dossier.” We both laughed, and then awkward silence. “What was your name again?” I was put on hold numerous times with a quick question here or there. My heart dropped.

“We don’t have your dossier.”

USPS tracking said it was delivered to the right place. They were searching their office up and down. It wasn’t long into it I knew that God was getting our attention. He showed up in a lightning speed home study and smooth dossier assembly. Something now was going wrong. Terribly wrong. And God was still in control!

We were on our face before the Lord in prayer and gathered a prayer team as fast as we could to plead with the Lord on our behalf. We were preparing mentally for having to completely redo our dossier. For many who do not know what that means, that is a ton of work to be redone and a significant delay in getting on a wait list for a child.

We knew ONLY God could find our paperwork.

About an hour and a half later, I received a call back. They found our paperwork, sent and delivered in Washington DC yet they found it in Orlando, FL.


Long story short the courier service has a sister office in Florida and somehow our paperwork got forwarded down there, and sat on someone’s desk for weeks unnoticed.

Then the call back confirming they were overnighting it to DC to get it authenticated. Whew!

The rest of the day I was filled with praise of what God did, Jason and I could only think of what God did. We had texts throughout that evening blown away by what GOD did and how He showed Himself faithful. We were boasting of the Lord. Others were!!!

Perspective changes. Sometimes we need God to do that for us. My idea of a timeline went out the window because I’m just thankful they found our dossier. My reminder of God’s sovereignty came back in proper perspective. We may be in later referral group now because the child God has chosen for our family is in THAT referral group.

Would you praise God with us?

  • He knows everything. He never forgot or lost of dossier, He knew exactly where it was.
  • He is a God of grace. Our dossier showed up today at our house! A month after it should of come, yet before I expected it to come given our delay. What a sweet, relieving surprise.
  • He is our Provider. We’ve received our first matching grant and have had positive communication with numerous other grant organizations.
  • He is the God who is paving the way for us to adopt. Our first aspect of immigration for child #2 has been applied for and approved.

And most of all…

He is sovereign, in control of every single situation in each of our lives.


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