Coffee for a Cause

Ok, cheesy title. BUT...true!

Our first fundraiser for ADOPTION #2. Which feels crazy, actually, eight months into the process already,

This adoption we started with grant applications and support letters to raise the support we needed. AND God has provided in incredible ways. But, now is the time to start getting creative on sharing our story and finding others willing to partner with us as we strive to bring another child into our home, one who desperately needs the love of a family. And, we still have a financial gap that we simply are not able to fill on our own.

So, we are SELLING coffee! Like delicious, specialty blend type coffee. 

Dark Chocolate Mocha coffee, Pumpkin Spice coffee, Snowflake coffee, and a ton more flavorings. K-Cups. Whole Beans. Fresh Ground. Sampler packs. Gift Sets.

And here's the best part. 50% GOES TOWARDS OUR ADOPTION!!!!!

50% of every purchase goes towards our adoption. How amazing is that. Get something you'd buy anyway, because it appears winter weather is coming early this year and let's face it, it is cold outside. Warm up with a cup of coffee, and know that you are helping support Orphan Care through supporting our adoption.

Click on the link below, make sure it says "Every item you purchase will support Stephens Adoption Fund!" at the top, and make your purchase. Easy as that!

Gobena Coffee Stephens Adoption Fund

Please contact us with any questions at all!


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