Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak (James 1:19)

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. My mind has been all over the place the last month and a half. And so often we are quick to respond with our emotions, instead of being still to listen to what God is teaching us.

 For starters, I’m actually reading these days. Like, books! Haha, if anyone knows me, I have never been a reader. However, over the last years I’ve grown a desire to read more as I see others gaining great insight by reading. And then, for our adoption I was required to read. And found myself incredibly fascinated by what I learned, and the taste made me want to learn more. I have finally been out of college long enough I WANT to learn again!

So my mind is getting charged learning about adoption, parenting, stewardship and spiritually. And audiobooks have become our family’s new thing, we love them!

So specifically some things I’m learning? Well, I’m in the middle of a Bible study teaching me how to identify my idols. That’s right. I don’t have a golden calf in my house, but I do have things in my life I’m tempted to put greater value in than God. And they have no right being in His place, so I’m learning what I need to give up! Then, in small group we are covering the ‘one anothers’ that are talked about in scripture. How to love one another well, care for one another, and this week was how to carry each other’s burdens. I’m learning how to be a light for those around me through these various commands from Jesus.

As many of you have, I’ve been doing my own research and understanding on things happening within political environments. Whether it’s a possible new law about kindergarten requirements in my home state, listening to our president’s state of the union address, or gaining insight to the horrific treatment the citizens of Zimbabwe are facing. It’s so good to be educated on what’s going on in our country AND around the world!

In an culture where people love to talk and be heard, God is giving me time to learn and little opportunity to share my voice. And I believe that’s what He’s teaching me! To sit still and learn from Him so my responses can be more lined up with His thinking, more educated and in a better state of mind that my crazy up and down emotions.

Do I have all the answers? No. Will I ever have all the answers, for anything? Haha, no.

BUT, listening and learning before speaking is a good thing.

Now this can go a million directions, but since this is a blog on adoption, I’ll leave it on that topic!

In adoption, listen and learn before speaking is a good thing. So often we, including me, dismissed the idea of adoption with words like it’s not for me, it’ll be too hard, we can’t afford it, I won’t be able to love someone not my own (completely forgetting my husband and I don’t have the same blood!) and more.

Thankfully the Lord changed my words ~ as I listened to testimonies of others, as I saw God redeem a child’s idea of a family, as I learned of the need that I could fulfill, as I learned of how God would provide financially, as I learn from a front row seat of the JOY in adoption - wow, thank goodness the Lord closed my mouth for me to open my eyes.

  • Listen to God. He created you, and He paves the way for how He will use you in this world!
  • Listen to others -> not JUST the ones you know what they’ll say. Get stories from both sides to gain you’re own viewpoint.
  • And learn.
  • Start reading. Start opening your eyes to adoption in this country and throughout the world. Open your eyes to the good and the bad.
  • And then lean into the Lord on what you will do with what you know!

Adoption is not for everyone. But the Lord calls the orphans to be cared for by believers! Not a government, not a couple believers, not a private orphanage trying to make money. But all followers of Jesus! When you listen and learn, maybe your role is supporting an adoptive or foster family. Maybe it’s teaching your child on what not to say to someone who has been adopted. Maybe it’ll help guard your tongue on what you say around adoptive parents. Or maybe it is opening your eyes to the opportunity to bring a child into your family because you became still and listened!


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