The Joy in Obedience

For any parents out there, you have probably become quite familiar with the ‘why’ stage a child goes through. Most count it as a season of trying patience. We, however, were looking forward to it. Given our situation, we entered parenthood to a three year old boy who hadn’t learned to talk. We began not only teaching a language but teaching the mechanics of speech. One step in that process is repetition, simply an on-going repeat of everything we said for him to practice talking. After a long period of time on repeat, we were ready to take his mind a step further to begin learning. Learning the ‘why.’

The ‘why’ stage has been enlightening to us at times, and other times convicting. Why are we doing this, or why does that work that way…and is that the best way?

As we have laid groundwork to how a family functions, what each person’s role is in a family, and how God is overarching in each of those matters, our son has asked the question, why. Why do we obey adults? Why do we obey God? Why is that what’s best for us?

God is our creator. We take him back to how God designed the world, and how the fall is clear evidence of our disobedience. That Christ died on the cross to bring us back into relationship with a Holy God. We all submit to something. Whether it’s ourselves, the world or God. God desires us to submit and follow Him. He says this is what is good and best for us.

So we look to the Bible for instruction on how to obey God. We know the Bible says to take the message of hope throughout the world. We know the Bible says you are an ambassador for Christ whether in your home, on the job or in a remote village in a third world country. We know the Bible says to care for orphans.

So, when we obey what God’s Word says or His Spirit leads us to do, a result that benefits you should happen right?

Nope! Just as Abraham stepped out and obeyed the Lord to offer Isaac up as a sacrifice, Abraham had faith in what God was doing even through he didn’t know the end result. The end turned out differently than expected, yet the worship to the Lord was Abraham’s willingness, obedience and faith. That was the goal!

Sometimes God gives us opportunities to open our hands so He (and us) can see our hearts, if we really would open our hands and follow what God says.

I am reminded today that ’spiritual fruit’ or results may not come, but my willing obedience may be what God wants to teach me through an experience. The fulfillment we feel knowing we are in God’s will when we obey Him, and the joy we bring to Him when we obey - that must be good enough for me.

So whether you’ve been on the mission field overseas, trying to spread the Gospel throughout your neighborhood, setting a Godly example to your children, pursuing bringing the mission field into your home through foster care or adoption, or striving to keep Christ at the center of your marriage…obedience to God may not get the results you expect, but it will bring you a joy and closeness to your Savior that is worth so much more!

Elisabeth Elliot once wrote, “Obedience is our responsibility. The result of our obedience is up to God.” (similar quote pictured) When the Lord in His goodness withholds fruit—even when we have been obedient in our service—we can know this is for His glory and our good. More than productivity, God cares about pruning, refining, and growing inner fruit that reflects his Son. Obedience and faithful stewardship is what God asks of us. The results are His. 
-The Gospel Coalition


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