Raising Money for Travel

Fundraising in adoption has a whole swarm of emotions. For starters, we are expecting our daughter's adoption to cost close to $34,000. Our initial response, unless we find a tree where money grows...that's impossible. BUT GOD... :)

What do we have to do? Trust, and see Him provide.

AND He has. He has provided every dollar through this point in our adoption. Praise Him!!! He has provided through incredible grant organizations, through gracious and generous family and friends, and through fundraisers like our Gobena Coffee Fundraiser and our Encompass Nutrients Fundraiser.

As we look ahead, travel is our next big cost item in our adoption. And that is extremely exciting!!! Yet, a bit scary as we have not raised the funds for that yet. And airline tickets, hotels, food, visas, etc for our family of FOUR <3 do not come cheap.

SO, we TRUST HIM as we enter into a new season of fundraising. We want to provide opportunities for YOU to be a part of our adoption journey because YES, you are playing a vital role in bringing this little girl into her forever family. Plus we want this to be fun, and most importantly a chance for God to get the glory each step of our adoption.

Would you join us at our next Stephens Family Thais Adoption Fundraiser??? 

It's THURSDAY night, AUGUST 29 from 6:00-8:00PM at Chick-fil-A in Saxony/Hamilton Town Center in Noblesville. 

Let's face it, everybody eats at Chick-fil-A because they literally have the best chicken around, and the sauce :) mmmmmmm! School has started so you all need a night off from cooking. Bring your small group - you will be helping bring the mission field into our home and our church.

AND 15% of EVERY SALE goes towards our ADOPTION!

We will be there the entire time. We would LOVE to see you, meet you if we haven't met you yet and thank you all for eating 'more chicken' that night!

***ALL you have to do is mention our adoption and that you are there for the DINE to DONATE.*** (that is the only way your order will be tagged for our adoption fundraiser)


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