Next Stop...T-Shirts

Now that we are matched and looking at the costs needed to travel and bring our daughter home, we are full speed ahead on fundraising!

We are hosting a Chick-Fil-A Dine and Donate night next Thursday, August 29 from 6-8PM at Saxony/Hamilton Town Center in Noblesville. Every order that mentions our name, 15% of the cost goes directly towards our adoption. Yay!

Now, one of the most common adoption fundraisers are tshirts. And I'm a graphic designer by trade. So logically, designing and selling tshirts would make sense. However, we didn't do this fundraiser for our first adoption, for several reasons. I knew if we did one, it'd have to be a graphic that represented what God was doing through our adoption and I wanted it to be a shirt people would want to wear. And I simply could not come up with the right design.

This time around though, I look back at our first adoption...we had SO many opportunities to share God's story and our story.

These days, I have started noticing people where graphic tshirts to make a statement. Whether it's something they support, agree with, feel or whatever, it represents a part of them.  

What if I could design a shirt that puts the Gospel on display, gives people an opportunity to share with others the love of adoption (which stems from the love of a Savior), opens doors to explain the unreached parts of the world need the Gospel taken to them, or might simply spark an excitement about the beautiful country of Thailand that our children once called home.

 However, God uses this fundraiser is in His hands. But I promise you, this is not as much about how much we make off this fundraiser to pay for a plane ticket. Even more, I want to hear about the conversations YOU have sharing the story God has written here! This isn't just our story - you are playing a role.

And hopefully the design is a shirt you'll want to wear too :)

(if you have questions about what the 'unreached' means, visit

Learn more and order a tshirt here!

We have adult and youth sizes, each offered in 5 different colors. Shirts will ship around September 16th (the fundraiser lasts until September 8th). They should be soft, nice shirts!


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