The Results Are In

This past month we have pushed fundraising for our adoption. You would naturally ask why? Are we getting close to travel? Is something pressing that we need to pay for within our adoption?

Well, to answer your questions, we are preparing for what is ahead, because we don't know when we'll travel. We have done little fundraising so far in our adoption process because we applied for grants first. God provided every grant we applied for. WHAT?!?! Yea, God!!!

Now, once we were matched this past July, everything we had raised and received needed to pay for the Thailand match fee (over $12,500). The next biggest cost item in our adoption will be the travel costs, and so all our latest fundraising will be put directly toward that.

To answer a question a sweet elementary age friend asked me the other day, our travel to bring our daughter home is NOT dependent on what we raise through these fundraisers. I assure you, when we get the call to set up our travel arrangements, we are buying those plane tickets whether we have the money or not :)

The fundraising simply helps us not go into a great amount of debt to bring this little girl into our family. It takes the financial stress off of us, so when we come home, we can focus our financial savings towards medical and other items that will be needed to get her up to speed here in America.

What we have raised is a testament to God, doing something we would never be able to do. It speaks volumes of people like you, the 'family' God has surrounded us by and your heart to minister to orphans. We have been in awe of how God provides for us, and He uses every detail, including in the financial aspect to show us this is CLEARLY the path He has called Jason and I to!

Please praise God with us for what He has done to provide for our second adoption!!!


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