What IS it? First Approval in Thai Adoptions...

One of our favorite memories with our son was one night he was praying before our meal, and it was a new-to-him-dish. He literally prayed "Dear God, thank you for this day and thank you for...WHAT IS IT!....Amen."

Haha, he gave his best effort, but didn't know specifically what to thank God for, and that's ok, because God knows.

So in our adoption right now, we are waiting on First Approval. I am mindful we have many people praying with us, and most can only tell God...we don't know what this is, but you know God!

 So, here is our understanding of this step.

We were matched with our daughter on July 3rd. This was our U.S. adoption agency who matched us. Because Thailand is a Hague-compliant adoption country, additional steps need to be taken. Our case now is submitted for review and approval by the Thai government Dept for Children & Youth (DCY).

So how these steps fall in line:
  1. Our agency receives the child files, we were matched when it was 'our turn' in the waitlist, and we accepted.
  2. Our partner agency in Thailand now reviews all our files (match acceptance, dossier, etc), translates everything, is assigned to a social worker who will prepare to present to the DCY in Thailand.
  3. The DCY only meet twice a month, and in those meetings they meet with actual families in Thailand picking up their children, they address domestic and international cases AND review prepared paperwork like ours. Naturally, their time is limited at each meeting.
  4. Our U.S. agency will receive notification when our case has been reviewed and approved. They may find out days later, or could be weeks or even a month or more til they know ours was approved. 
  5. Once we receive this approval, then all final details can be arranged for our travel, including the scheduling of meeting in person with the Thai Adoption board, with the DCY.
For our son's adoption, we waited ten months for First Approval, and we traveled over three months later.

For our daughter, current timelines are showing families getting First Approval between five to ten months, then travel one to three months later.  How that would look like for us, would be receiving First Approval anytime between December to May. Now, for our son, we were on the latest/longest timeline and we waited longer to travel than most. This is International Adoption - all timelines are an 'ish' - BUT, we have great HOPE in the Lord and HIS perfect timeline. We mentally prepare to wait the longest, but want to be prepared in case God says we are going sooner. And here's how we are praying:

Please pray for those in Thailand who are processing adoptions. Please pray that God would give them wisdom as they review what is best for each child, that their time would be extended so they can prioritize approving those matched, and that they would be incredibly blessed by the Lord as they play a role in our daughter's life leading her to our family.


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