End of Year Update 2019 - Adoption #2

 680 DAYS

THAT is how long we have been in the adoption process for our second child. That sounds insanely long, right? Especially since that child isn't even in our home yet.

But two things I will tell you - it's worth the wait AND time goes by fast.

That's what every elderly person shares when you ask them about their life. They will tell you the Kenny Chesney song, Don't Blink - it truly goes by fast. I have learned that if I pause my life and wait on something, the wait is excruciating. But, if I make the most of each moment the Lord gives me, it will go by fast and you'll have all these memories to show for it.

And surely things will eat up our time that you'd prefer would not, like laundry, or sitting in traffic, or getting sick. But all in all, striving to fill your time with those good things will allow you to be joyful in the moment instead of missing the moment with a simple hope of what could come.

This year had adoption book-ends with completely different emotions. We started the year in wonder, who would we adopt next. How many, what age, what gender. Then we pursued a child with excitement that turned completely when we weren't chosen for that child. Then months later we got matched at a time no one expected, even our adoption agency. We have a daughter. So clear why God had us wait for her! The entire second half of the year, she's a regular conversation in our home. We now know how many - just one, her age, her gender. And the year ends, daydreaming of traveling to get her, meeting her, and adding her to our family.

As we look to 2020, it's the year we'll bring our daughter home. 

We are striving to make the most of our family of three which is actually making the time go by fast.

We haven't made any set plans on what our trip details will be (we have the skeleton of the trip laid out). We haven't prepped the immigration papers yet. Our house and her room definitely are not ready. I need to update my passport. We only have two outfits for her so far. Haha, feeling un-prepared also makes time go by fast!

This ride of time going by, living in the moment and excitement for the days ahead - that's what so many of us reflect on as a year comes to an end. I find much comfort in the Bible that never changes and grants us a foundation for each changing day and each changing emotion. I hope you can rejoice in what God did in your life in 2019 and that you have excitement and faith in what He'll do in the year to come!

Happy New Year.

(Lastly, in 2019 God provided ALL funds for expected expenses for the remainder of our adoption!!! We PRAISE HIM for this and THANK YOU for this! Read more here.)


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