
I have been thinking for weeks I need to write you all an update, but can I be honest? I have been so scatterbrained, I have not even been able to nail down what I'd write about, nevertheless, do it.

Yesterday marked us entering our third year of our second adoption.

Many have asked where are we at in our adoption process. Waiting. But a weird emotional waiting. Why? Well, because it's possible our waiting may not be much longer. Or, it's possible it will be much longer. So we have hope, but are braising ourselves for the long haul. And it leaves you in a strange, in-between, weird, emotional time of....well, waiting!

We are doing some renovations in our home, adding another bedroom so we are prepared for a new member of our family. House projects are exciting to us, but the dust and workspace of construction in my living space start to spiral my 'need things organized' mind. We're referring to our daughter as part of our family and what we hope she'll celebrate with us this coming year, and at the same time trying to not focus on her too much to give our son the attention he needs in his final months of being our only child.

Plans for late Spring and Summer cannot be made as we don't know when we are traveling. We've begun to organize and lay-out our actual trip to Thailand, but nothing can be confirmed or booked until we have dates from our agency. And then the 'I don't know' keeps rolling out - I have not idea what our flights will look like and how we'll keep our sanity flying with two kids (our son and our new addition). I have no idea if this virus will effect our trip at all if we are approved. I have no idea if this trip will be harder than our first adoption trip. I have no idea how this trip will effect our son, who will be going back with us to his home country. So many "I don't knows."

I know this sounds crazy, but this is a good place to be in. For so much of our adoption process, I can explain to you with more detail than you'd expect because...we've been through this before. BUT, then things come up for the first time, and it's like we are at a complete loss.

God doesn't ask us to do things we are experts at. 

And He doesn't forsake us when He makes it abundantly clear He wants us to do something that we simply don't know how to do.

He called us to do it because that is what gives Him the most glory. He is ENOUGH. He simply calls us to step out faith and say in our weakness and 'I don't knows' HE is ENOUGH and He is WORTH IT.

SO, today we are waiting for Thailand to approve our match to start the process of making those sweet, final arrangements to travel to meet our girl for the first time and bring her into the family God arranged for her. We believe we could receive notification that we've been approved any day now! Please be praying for all those involved in approving us, that they would receive God's blessing upon them, that their time would be used well and many families would be approved to bring their children home.


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