Never Forget

When I initially think of this title, I think of September 11th. A day marked in history that has significance, impacted many and is reflected now in many actions done in our country and around the world.

As we are currently enduring a global pandemic that none of us have ever seen, I keep saying to myself that I need to write down as much as I can, because I don't want to forget. A world quarantined in their homes. Business shut down. Hospitals as glimmers of hope. Paper signs on almost every store front. People banned from gathering. Risk in crossing a state line. Schools closed. Basic supplies cleared from store shells overnight.

This truly is a momentous time our children and children's children will talk about years to come.

And what will they say?

It won't be the typical "where were you on ..... this day?".

What will YOU remember, what you YOU never forget?

Seeing daily statistics of number of deaths on the evening TV, that's going to stick with me.
The now overused but ever so important phrase of 'social distancing' will stick.
Using our home as our sanctuary, family time, workspace and daily life living for days and weeks on end. That will stick.

Here are some other take-aways that have stood out to me in this season:
  • Family is key. It's who is with us through good times and bad. Enjoy family, it's a privilege to prioritize them!
  • We don't have control. Anything can be taken away at any point.
  • Faith must be considered.
This is what I see in regards to faith  - it's what so many are turning to during these uncertain times.  And that's a good thing! We want and need hope. Those that do have faith are handling this time much differently than those who do not, and that should make you question why. Those who do have faith in the One who is in control, we are seeing the Church work in incredible ways during these days - the Church has never been bound to a building...

and as we prepare to celebrate Resurrection Sunday tomorrow, I pray you will NEVER FORGET why Jesus went to the cross, and in what power He Rose from the grave.

If you have no idea, ask me - I'd love to share!

(and sidenote on our ADOPTION (#2) - everything IS on hold, as you'd expect. While this is disheartening, as we expected to be approved by now and thinking about travel, we are TRUSTING in this One who is control of the exact timing of when we'll be on that plane for Southeast Asia!)


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