ASK and WOW.

Two words have been at the forefront of my mind for the last several weeks.

ASK and WOW.


I’m working through the Beth Moore study ‘The Quest’ and the overarching theme has been that we have a relational God, He wants to hear from us. It’s ok to ASK God questions, that’s how we’ll know and understand Him better. And this communication brings us closer to Him. So often we read a scripture and have no idea what God is saying, so ASK. The Bible gives us examples of people throughout time ASKing of the Lord. Questions from Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, Solomon, Paul and even Jesus ASKed His heavenly Father.

I sometime get hesitant ASKing the Lord - I know whatever is His Will will happen, and I also know He is not some genie I come to expecting my wishes fulfilled. But, here is what I know is also true about the Lord…He loves His children, wants us coming to Him, and He doesn’t expect us to understand everything He does so He won’t be offended when we ASK Him why. He may not answer us how we expect, but He does hear us AND will show us, perhaps over time.

Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

So in our adoption, I’m stepping out in FAITH with BOLDNESS and HUMILITY, ASKing God to unite us to our girl. ASKing Him to part the never-ending obstacles for her to be with her forever family. ASKing Him to make the impossible possible!

And I encourage you to sit down, be honest with the Lord, and ASK Him for what stirs or breaks your heart today.

Then WOW. I reconnected with a dear friend and simply sat at her feet listening to testimony after testimony of God’s faithfulness and greatness in her family. Stories you can’t make up. I couldn’t help but walk away praising God for who He is. What was this friend praying for God to do? WOW her with His glorious attributes. When was the last time I asked God to WOW me? Ask for the impossible. Ask for God to intervene on that thing that nothing on earth can accomplish. Ask and then open your eyes to be WOWed by God. AND THEN, tell someone about it! And I promise you, they will walk away praising God just as I did listening to a friend’s story.

So in our adoption, we have had our WOW God moments. Fully funded…for BOTH of our adoptions. WOW, that’s God. Preparing to add a SECOND child to our home when even one seemed impossible. WOW, that’s God. A child adopted into our family from the exact people group we had prayed for IN Thailand a year before being matched. WOW, that’s God. A child who shares my exact same birthday. WOW, that’s God.

We know our adoption can have more and more God highlights. We know COVID will most definitely show up in our daughter’s testimony and ours. Waiting in uncertainty. And we know, with what feels like so much stacked against our union together as a family of four, GOD can WOW us, and we are ASKING and PRAYING that HE does!

*Current Adoption Status: We finally received our Article 16 from Thailand. We have applied for our I800, which is our daughter's immigration paperwork to the states. Once that is approved, beside a few minor items, we will be legally prepared for travel. At that point, we'll simply be waiting for borders to be opened and for a pathway, in the midst of COVID, to travel to southeast Asia to bring our daughter home.


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