Patience Comes When You Learn From The Wait

 This past Saturday, we voted! And are so grateful for the privilege we get to vote.

The experience was unlike any other. We waited 7 hours to vote!

(Now before you jump to conclusions, we had no idea we would wait that long.)

However, I wanted to quickly share our experience because it isn’t promoted often. Would you believe that it was a positive experience and a day we’ll remember?! The division seen on social or main stream media was no where to be found in the thousands waiting to vote. Neighbors were chatting with neighbors, even exchanging contact info after voting to connect again. Few were absorbed in their phones, beside selfie documenting their status in line - most were present in the moment striking up conversations. An entire crowd was brought together by doing the ‘Wave’ on the hour and waiting in another line at the food truck. Strangers offered us food and blankets to make sure our son was doing well, they looked out for each other. And Yes, the entire line was wearing masks out of respect for the government request and safety of others.

I guarantee not everyone in that line voted the same. We each have our own beliefs and convictions, yet unity can be achieved because we are all Americans who love our country. Focus on what brings us together and not what separates us apart!

Here were my few take-aways from this wait, that can be applied in so many ways:

  • The wait is what you make it.
  • You children will reflect how you handle the wait.
  • Don’t miss the moment, blessing can come in the wait when you lift your eyes.
  • Accept that we rarely know the wait time.
  • Waiting brings community.
  • And so, so often…the wait is worth it. (and on Saturday, we didn’t see anyone leave the voting line!)



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