For the love of Christ compells us...2 Cor 5:14

Much of our adoption journey right now is preparing for what's ahead - receiving a match, accepting a match, Thailand approving us to adopt this child(ren), traveling to the other side of the world to pick up our child(ren), bringing them home, being parents...and trusting God to provide the funds for each of these steps.

To date, we are excited to announce that we have raised 38% of our overall funding! We praise God for how He continues to make it clear to us that He is in control, and He will carry us through each step of the process.

2 Corinthians 5:14 stands out to us as we looked into fundraising ideas, and how we could continue to raise funds. I came across Compelled Designs - a company who offers beautiful, homemade pottery jewelry to families adopting...offering all profits of the sales to go towards our adoption. How they are willing to serve us in this way shows the love of Christ in caring for orphans, and I pray that each sale would have an impact on someone who either gives or receives this product in seeing the love of Christ.

Jason and I are selling the below pieces of jewelry. I must admit, these are incredible stocking stuffers, birthday gifts, or even an early Valentine's Day gift. Each piece has a scripture reference engraved on the back, and is an incredible memory to how God loved us as orphans and wants to adopt each and every person into the family of God who accepts the free gift of salvation through Christ alone!

If you would like to support our adoption in this way, please see the images below for every piece we have in stock. Each piece is $24, and 50% of all purchases go directly towards our adoption. Email us your order (, and from there we can deliver or mail you your treasures. 

*All are necklaces unless marked otherwise.

 Bracelet. Sold! (above)

Sold! (above)

SOLD! (above)

SOLD! (above)
Sold! (above)

Sold! (above)

 Bracelet. Sold! (above)
SOLD! (above)

Sold! (above)


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