Why Holt International?

God has given us so many opportunities for us to share our story on adoption, and so we would love to share more about who we are partnered with as we adopt from Thailand.

Their are so many adoption organizations and it certainly was a scary thought initially on who to put our trust in when it comes to guiding us through this process. We needed to find an agency that was facilitating adoptions legally, ethically, etc. We knew up-front we wanted to adopt from an unreached country (with the Gospel). We are willing and able to go to the hard places, and felt God wanted us to go to the unreached in hopes of sharing the Gospel with a child who may never hear about what Christ did on the cross for them.

At a Christian concert, we were introduced to Holt International. They help facilitate adoptions from China, India and Thailand (and more) - the first three unreached countries God had put on our hearts. Holt has a great reputation, and as God directed us to adopt from Thailand specifically, we are very thankful to be in Holt's program!

Holt has been partnered in Thailand for over 35 years. The partner they work with this is Holt Sahathai Foundation (HSF). HSF serves the needs of homeless and at-risk children in Thailand. We are thankful that before any child is pursued for adoption, Holt always strives to keep the children in the loving care of their birth families - and this is our prayer. Every year, HSF provides counseling, educational sponsorship, nutritional assistance, foster care and medical aid to hundreds of children — helping them reunite or remain with their families.

HSF was the first organization to implement foster care in Thailand, and today HSF places most children in foster families soon after they enter care. A more nurturing alternative to institutional care, foster care helps to ensure children awaiting adoption reach critical developmental milestones, receive proper nutrition and are able to form vital emotional bonds. HSF also does an excellent job of preparing children for adoption while still in care, and supporting adoptive families while in country.

We've been asked many times how we know so much about the process, or how we can keep it all straight - I must say Holt has done an incredible job giving us lists, resources, taking us step by step. The adoption process is one step at a time, and I'm so thankful Holt has showed us the steps.

So all this to say - we are very thankful God has guided us to adopt through Holt. Yes, there are good odds our child(ren) will be or currently are in a foster home. We are trusting HSF to try and keep our child(ren) with their birth families, and we know if their name comes to us, it's because they are in need of a forever family outside of their birth family, and that may be us!

Prayer Requests:
  • We have raised over a third of our support. As our friends and family are in the waiting process with us, pray the funds would continue to roll in. There is so much uncertainty on our end on what costs are ahead of us, and how they will be paid.
  • Pray that we can encourage others with our testimony, and that we will always bring the Gospel into those conversations.
  • Pray for contentment as we wait. Although we know it's a long process, so often their is a strong desire to be in that new stage of life now. Pray that we'd make the most of each and every day for the Lord!
  • Pray that those we come in contact with would be encouraging and patient. I know it's hard to be excited about something someone else is waiting for, but it does encourage us in our waiting when you make the timeline sound fast instead of long :-)
  • We are researching additional fundraisers over the next few months - pray for the logistics, and for good turnout.
Thank you so much for reading and for your support! If this post or any part of our blog can be an encouragement to anyone you know, please share it with them!

Jason and Rachel :)


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