
There is only one word that can sum up this last week and a half in our life...overwhelmed. Now you would think being the Christmas season, that would be the stressed, tired, stretched too thin overwhelmed. But I'm not talking about that at all!

I'm talking about on my face before the Lord because His love, His goodness, His generosity, His comfort, His gifts, His beauty is completely overwhelming me right now!

As I was digging into God's word with a friend yesterday morning, we noticed these attributes of God in Genesis 2 - He is a loving King, He is infinite, He knows what's best for us, He's a purposeful giver, He's the faithful provider, He is the perfect image. God has shown us love, grace, mercy, and provision in ways we couldn't of imagined. To God be the glory, for we know it is alone from Him!

It's amazing in a time when people ask about our adoption, we are "just waiting." But the reality is, God is blowing us away more each day in this process.

As I look at all the ways God has used people, emails, phone calls, His creation to bless me this past week, I ask God after each time, what did we do to deserve this? Words of encouragement, people expressing excitement for us, and people letting us know how God is using us in there lives! I look at over 50 families who have already had a part in bringing our child home, that BLOWS me away. For all the times I've felt alone as we've longed for a family, the reality is, we've never been alone. And it's so evident now! For how smooth this process has gone so far, how is that even possible when you are dealing with government, mail, people (including us) that aren't perfect? And for funds to be provided in ways we'd never imagined - this week alone we've been given financial commitments that could equal to almost a third of our overall support!!! No one can deny that God is the choreographer of each of our lives and He is orchestrating our family perfectly. We are living proof of that!

But then that takes me back to the cross, and Jesus dieing there in my place. Grace and mercy. The love of a Father. Salvation offered freely to me, and to you. I don't deserve this! That alone should put me on my face each day to the one who paid it all for me and for you. Praise God that He loves us even as a sinful nature pulls us away. The fact that my weakness has shown through crying multiple times this past week after God showed up again and again shows that I am the weaker vessel and I need the Savior's strength to do what He's called me to on this earth.

My encouragement to you - stepping out in faith is hard, it's scary, you don't know what God will do with it. But, it is SO WORTH IT! To step out and ask for God's glory to show up...you will be completely overwhelmed with who our God is, what He can do, and how big He'll do it!

This is one song that is helping me recognize that I should be Overwhelmed with God, so I'd encourage you to watch! It's by Big Daddy Weave. As I watched this video I think back to the times Jason and I have stepped out in faith together as a couple, and let me say, that's what marriage is about. Following hard after the Lord together brings a marriage that God will bless in incredible ways!

Big Daddy Weave - Overwhelmed

Buchanan, Liberia
Karanda Mission Hospital, Zimbabwe
Buchanan, Liberia

Jason's typical role on missions trips :-)

Thailand (Laos across the river)



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