The results are in! Chick-fil-a

Our Chick-fil-a fundraiser was a HUGE success! You can't really go wrong when you take all our closest friends and encouragers, put them in the same restaurant, enjoy some amazing food, and float around to talk and fellowship with each of them!!! We were blown away by the support we received. Plus, we got to sit down with folks we didn't know as well to share our story, and now feel super connected with more people!

The adoption process has gone by so quickly, and we are incredibly grateful for that - but we definitely have come to yet another season in our lives where the waiting in HARD. So God knew exactly what we needed, and as you can tell by all the smiles in each picture, our spirits were lifted so much by this night! Thank you to all - we raised $162.35 through this event, and we feel so loved by each of you knowing that you're right there waiting with us!
Fellow Small Group"ers"
Our Pastor and his family
Current Small Group"er"
Love these Small Group girls!
Another current Small Group"er"
Small Group leaders we've connected with!
A dear family we've done much ministry with over the years!
Friends through previous Small Groups, that are now super great friends!
Harvest staff kiddos enjoying Chick-fil-a
Great family we've connected with through adoption and soccer!
College/Harvest/Forever friend!
Previous Small Group"er" who always makes me smile!
So thankful for Harvest staff/my amazing coworkers
Great family that we've been alongside for so much ministry!
Small Group leader wives we've connected with.
A passion for missions and international adoption in this group!
Friends who came with their whole Small Group to support us!
Our closest friends have come out of Harvest Small Groups - she can always can make me smile!


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