Who wants to eat Chick-fil-A next Thursday?!?!

Spirit Night has become Spirit Day

That's right - all day long, any time at the Chick-fil-A in Noblesville, stop in, show this flyer, and support our adoption!

THURSDAY, JANUARY 15TH at Chick-fil-A in Noblesville (off 37). Chick-fil-A will give a portion of each purchase towards our adoption. Flyers will be required with each transaction so all you'll have to do is print it out, bring it with you, and turn it in with your order - easy as that!

We will be there between the times of 6:30-9PM to fellowship, spend time with you all, eat good food and share our story (if you haven't heard it yet :)!

We receive a larger percentage of the profits based on how many people come and purchase, so even if you only have time for the drive-thru, would you make this a part of your Thursday? If you can come, enjoy the time with us! They have a kids play area, it'd be a great place to meet for small group, or would simply be a fun excuse to hang out with Jason and I, right? :) 

Can't wait to spend the evening with you all on the 15th!!!!

Flyer Link


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