You'll Never Believe This

This past week has been a whirlwind ride in the area of fundraising!!!

We currently have fundraisers happening with Shakeology and Younique - all commissions going towards our adoption!

We also have a matching grant that was awarded to us - up to $2,500. Some friends of ours encouraged our fundraising efforts by stating they would match any fundraising up to $500.

So, we began to spread the news last Thursday.

We are PRAISING GOD that in less than a week the matching grant was fulfilled, and we raised over $5,300 for our adoption, and know that more donations were sent in this week!!!!!!!!!!!

With teared filled eyes I can't believe the ways God has shown up, can't believe how much this adoption would effect me and my faith (and we don't even know who God has chosen for our family yet!), can't believe all the people who have truly wrapped there arms around us as we wait for a family...stepping out and following the Lord is SO worth it!!!!

I literally cannot wait to bring our child(ren) home from Thailand and have the biggest potluck dinner you've ever seen with all of us together rejoicing in how God used every single one of you to impact a life so precious to God!


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