Vertical Focus

These past few weeks have been pretty neat at our church. See, when we moved to Indiana 8.5 years ago, we didn't know anybody, except for one person, Brittany. We knew her from college, and she told us about this new church launching. So, we came the first Sunday they launched. And have been there ever since! We've gained life-long friends through small groups, have gotten to serve on every ministry team, and have seen God change lives time and time again, including our own! Well, we've been a portable church all these years - meeting in a school, setting up and tearing down each week, and this Sunday we are heading to our fourth and final location, our new church building!

We've seen that you don't need a building to be the church, Jesus accepts our worship anytime and anywhere. We've seen that raising money in a capital campaign isn't for a building, it's so more people can come and hear about Jesus. We've seen that a building launch campaign isn't about inviting people to our church building, it's about introducing them to Jesus.

Taking a vertical focus changes everything!

I've seen so many parallels in our adoption journey! If we focused only on the horizontal, adoption could totally be about fundraising, us having a family, or a child getting the lifestyle we think they deserve.

But, with a vertical focus, what if it's about caring for what's on God's heart, following the Lord no matter what, taking His gospel to a part of the world who desperately needs to hear, letting God shape and mold our hearts so it breaks for a lost world! People need Jesus more than anything of this world!

When we take care of what's on God's heart, He takes care of what's on our hearts. And God's heart is for the world—He wants the light of Jesus shone in the darkest places. Isaiah 49:1-6

James MacDonald

These past few weeks we have seen God show up in ways hard to even describe. Pray that we keep our eyes focused on Him - we are seeing Him take care of what's on our hearts, in ways I know we don't deserve. Pray we keep focusing on His heart - pray we have a vertical focus!

To date, we have raised over $22,000, and have received another matching grant for a possible $5,000! To God alone be the glory for that! We are blown away by how much God has provided before even being matched!!! Would you pray we'd be matched by this summer? Seeing God provide funding makes us long more and more to know who He's chosen for our family. We know God's timing is best, so trusting in His will, and not ours.

If you'd like to help out with our latest matching grant, details can be found on our support us page, by sending your donation to Lifesong for Orphans.

And lastly, if you are in the Indianapolis area looking for a church home, we've love for you to come and see all God has done, and yet to do at Harvest North Indy! #YouAreLovedIndy


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