God Can Do It - $2,500 by May 7th

When you take care of what's on God's heart, He takes care of what's on your heart.

We can’t believe we’ve been on this international adoption journey to Thailand for over a year now! Each day is one step closer to us knowing who our child is, and one step closer for them to be joined with their “forever” family. God has made it so clear through answered prayer that we are exactly on the path He wants us to be on.

God has already been so faithful to us in having over 60 families partner with us through prayer and support. We praise God and give Him all the glory that we’ve raised over $16,000 to date!

We are expecting the overall costs to be somewhere near $30,000, if matched with one child (we are open to a sibling group), and we can’t provide for this on our own! We expect to be matched summer of 2015 or sooner. When we are matched, our Thailand fees will be due, which will be our largest adoption expense. Although summertime seems far away, we do know that we could be matched sooner, or later. We want to be able to send the needed funds when matched to keep the process moving!

We were recently awarded a MATCHING FUNDS GRANT to help with the expenses of our adoption through Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc. a non­profit private operating foundation. Hand in Hand will match any funds that are donated up to $2,500 through our friends and family for the expenses of our adoption, giving us a possible total amount of $5,000. All funds received through our friends and family will be matched dollar for dollar by Hand in Hand up to our awarded grant amount. All donations are tax­deductible.

You can find out more about Hand in Hand through their website. If you have further questions about the Hand in Hand matching grant program please feel free to email us at rachel.stephens15@yahoo.com.

Please send all donations made payable to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by May 7, 2015 to:

(for tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope only…do not put our name on the check itself)

Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.
Jason and Rachel Stephens
18318 Mimosa Court
Gardner, KS  66030

Thank you for investing in the Kingdom through your prayer and finances—it will be an investment with an eternal return! Please continue to follow our blog for the latest updates and please pray this entire process will glorify God and fulfill His purposes.

In Christ,

Jason and Rachel


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