We love what those we love love.

I know your first thought. Man, talk about using the same word three times in one sentence :-) I'm sure you've read it several times now though, and you know what I mean!

Jason and I are coming up on 10 years of marriage later this year. It's amazing the number of things I love because of Jason. Whether it's things I never was exposed to before, and things I simply didn't have a passion for. But, once I saw Jason's love for these things, my love for him overflowed to those things which then grew in me my own love for them. Things like Africa - his home, cacti - his favorite plants, or mandarin oranges. And I know he has a love for John Deere, NASCAR, and fuzzy pets that may not of been there before :)

From a wedding this past fall. I LOVE weddings!

Once you grow a love for the things they love, it brings a wonderful unity to each other.

After coming out the holidays, I was blown away by how many people love our son, because we love our son. And because they've grown a love of him because we love him, they now have they own love for him. People who would know nothing about adoption, nothing about Thailand, or maybe wouldn't even know where Thailand is. Now to see them learning, growing and loving for us brings tears to my eyes. That's a marriage, that's family, those are friends!

I felt so blessed how our son was included in Christmas celebrations. He got what his cousins received (he'll just get to open it a little late), he was talked about, and as we talked about future gatherings, everyone smiled wondering if our son will be with us at that time. Although aspects continue to feel surreal, he is real, God chose Him for us, we love him, and so many love him because of that!

This is a great reminder to me the impact we can have on our marriages, family and friends. Those close to you will grow a love for what you love.

What if you loved "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Phil 4:8)? 

The impact we can have on those around us if we draw them to the things that please the Lord. 

Many of us have things we love that aren't necessarily wrong, like long walks on the beach. But what if we were intentional in all the things that we love to strive to Glorify God through them. Those you love would follow that direction. Then think about how pleased God would be.

These are the thoughts that entered my head as we enter, Lord willing, the year we bring our boy home. Love for him has already spread farther than I could of dreamed, and I can only imagine the love that will grow when we each get to see this boy face to face. 


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